Hollywood Actress Pleads With God to Show He’s Real — and Gets a Shocking Response

Andrea Logan White and Kelly Stables, stars of “Malibu Dan the Family Man,” recently revealed some behind-the-scenes details about their popular sitcom. White, who plays Holidae Sinclair, and Stables, who portrays Kate Marshall, dove deep into their favorite bloopers, memorable moments, and more. . .

White proceeded to share specific details about the miraculous moment that forever changed her life. It all unfolded one day when she was around 22 years old and was having a hard time finding consistent acting work.

White was at a stoplight on Sunset Boulevard when she cried out to God with a simple request: “God, if you’re real, I need you to show me who you are, because I don’t know why I’m here, and I don’t want to live anymore.”

It was at that moment that a man in the car next to her beeped his horn and pointed to his radio, which was tuned to a Christian station. Then, he waved and drove away; White noticed that he had a bumper sticker on his car that read “Jesus loves me.”

[Then she heard this:]

“It was a pastor repeating the exact words that I had just cried out to God,” she said, noting that the stunning moment changed her perspective. “God knew that he had to give me a blatant miraculous sign to say, ‘Your time on this Earth is not done yet.’” (Read more from “Hollywood Actress Pleads With God to Show He’s Real — and Gets a Shocking Response” HERE)

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