Pastor: Keep Killing Babies Because I Hate Trump

For the latest misadventures in “absolute NeverTrumpism corrupts every bit as much as absolute AlwaysTrumpism,” I give you Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile.

The headline of his piece in the Washington Post is “Overturning Roe v. Wade isn’t worth compromising with Trump, my fellow evangelicals.” He leads it off by imploring that “we are going to give an account to God for our complicit silence before the immoral policies and actions of the Trump administration.”

Already, the pastor’s point of view is plagued by an idolatrous level of concern for Trump, to the point of insisting that his fellow evangelicals snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on the issue of life. Which just so happens to be the pre-eminent moral concern of the Word of God, but other than that, no big thang.

Anyabwile is so blinded by his anti-Trump idolatry that he’s urging the very “complicit silence” he condemns when it comes to stopping America’s infanticide holocaust. Ironic, I know, but this is the age of self-refuting arguments and the death of self-awareness, after all.

This pastor is urging believers to explicitly disobey the Word of God when it says “rescue those being taken away to death and hold back those being led away to slaughter.” This pastor is urging believers to side with those whose “hands shed innocent blood,” which the Scriptures also say are among those things “the LORD hates.” And he’s doing so from a platform that frequently gives space for trolling God and His love, like its recent headline “why can’t we hate men” and last Christmas when it again questioned whether Jesus Christ ever existed.

On second thought, maybe this is the proper platform for Anyabwile’s idolatrous polemic, because whether he knows it or not, he’s trolling God, too. It’s just that the Washington Post is more honest about it.

In case you’re wondering why I’ve used the terms “idolatry” or “idolatrous” several times already, it’s because I’m trying to drive the point home this is idolatry. Whenever we permit anything other than God to determine for us what is right or wrong, we are practicing what the Bible calls idolatry, which is a fancy, stained-glass word meaning “worshipping or following after a false god.”

Anyabwile is saying not to explicitly do what God says is right here, because Trump. In other words, he is the NeverTrump version of heretical clowns like Paula White, peddler of the fake so-called prosperity gospel and a documented fraud, who has sadly found some renewed legitimacy through her ability to shamelessly shill for Trump.

I’m sure Anyabwile would agree with me about the likes of White, all the while missing the plank in his own eye. See, God doesn’t permit us not to do what’s right because it may cause us to align with and/or work alongside those we find questionable, repulsive, or offensive. Quite the contrary, God works through sinners all the time — because all of us are sinners.

Sure, plenty of Christians twist this teaching every election season when they compare their favorite misbehaving politicians favorably to King David, all the while conveniently leaving out details like David’s peccadilloes that caused the death of his child, a civil war in his kingdom, and persistent strife in his family. So, yes, God loved and used David. But no, David’s sins did not go unpunished, and often the consequences were suffered by others, too.

Because God can walk and chew gum at the same time, he can use problematic people while simultaneously holding them accountable for their misdeeds. His people, bought by His blood and guided by His Spirit, should be able — and definitely willing — to do the same.

Abraham Lincoln is considered by many to be among America’s greatest presidents. He also was far from perfect. For much of his political career, he was in favor of letting slave states remain so, and during one of the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates he said the following:

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”

And yet, despite these statements, we still call Lincoln the “Great Emancipator.” Why? Because he was. The same guy who said those dreadful things also lost his life in the cause of freeing the slaves.

Human nature is a complicated thing. We are all made in the image of God, and yet are all capable of falling very far from God at any given moment (or a lifetime) as well. This is why we all need the Savior. Great men sometimes fall. Bad men sometimes rise. Heroes of the faith like David and Samson had licentious blind spots. Powerful preachers like Spurgeon save souls one minute and struggle with depression the next.

The one constant here is God — the same yesterday, today, and forever. And that is why imperfect people can perform, by His grace, His perfect and pleasing will. Both the just and the unjust alike, as Christ said, are loved by God enough to each be tools of His love and mercy at any given time.

And if it is a profane man like Trump, who would be among the least likely politicians we could ever imagine to appoint the Supreme Court that ends America’s greatest moral evil, then by all means blessed be the name of the Lord. For all such blessings really flow from Him anyway, not from a politician.

A pastor, like Anyabwile, should know this. (For more from the author of “Pastor: Keep Killing Babies Because I Hate Trump” please click HERE)

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Eric Trump Rushes Into Busy NYC Traffic to Save Woman’s Life

. . .In the liberal mindset, the Trump men, specifically President Donald Trump and his two older sons, Don Jr. and Eric, are especially hateful toward women and children and care not a whit for whatever troubles they might have.

Of course, those with an open mind and eyes know that description of the Trump men to be patently false, and recent actions by Eric Trump that went almost completely unnoticed or reported would significantly undercut that particular anti-Trump media narrative. . .

Trump and his protective detail were passing by the F Station near 6th Avenue and 57th Street when they noticed the woman and stopped to try and render aid.

A witness who talked to the Examiner, and who preferred to remain anonymous, told the newspaper that the son of the president then noticed an ambulance that was passing by the scene and rushed out into the middle of traffic in a bid to flag it down.

“I watched as Eric looked up, spotted an ambulance slowly passing by on 6th, ran into traffic — almost getting hit by a bicyclist — and shouted at the ambulance to get its attention,” the witness told the Examiner. (Read more from “Eric Trump Rushes Into Busy NYC Traffic to Save Woman’s Life” HERE)

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COMPLETE DEPRAVITY: UCLA Professor Dies in ‘Mummification’ Ritual at Hollywood Executive’s Home

By Fox News. A California university professor died during a bondage session at the home of a Hollywood executive that went horribly wrong.

Doran George, 48, was found dead inside the home of Skip Chasey, an executive for Hollywood’s William Morris Endeavor agency and known in the BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission) community as “Master Skip,” on Nov. 19, 2017.

George, who was born Duncan Gilbert and did not use gendered pronouns, had been wrapped “head to toe in plastic wrap and gaffer’s tape, with small breathing holes at the nose and mouth,” according to an autopsy report obtained late last week by Variety.

“The decedent’s partner observed that the decedent was not reacting properly,” the report states. “The partner checked the decedent closer and realized that the decedent was not breathing. The partner called 911 and began cutting off the plastic and tape.”

George, who had a 16-year relationship with a man named Barry Shils that allowed for sexual activity outside their partnership, had become a regular playmate of Chasey’s over the course of seven months preceeding his death. (Read more from “Complete Depravity: UCLA Professor Dies in ‘Mummification’ Ritual at Hollywood Executive’s Home” HERE)


WME Learns of Bondage Death at Exec’s Home

By Variety. . .Chasey is well known in the leather and BDSM community as “Master Skip,” according to various websites and profiles. According to the coroner’s report, Gilbert was wrapped “head to toe in plastic wrap and gaffer’s tape, with small breathing holes at the nose and mouth.”

“The decedent’s partner observed that the decedent was not reacting properly,” the report states. “The partner checked the decedent closer and realized that the decedent was not breathing. The partner called 911 and began cutting off the plastic and tape.”

Paramedics arrived and found Gilbert lying on the floor in cardiac arrest. They were unable to revive him.

The coroner’s office was unable to determine the cause of the death. Chasey has not been accused of wrongdoing, and detectives are not pursuing allegations against him.

Chasey’s attorney, John Duran, said the two were participating in a consensual activity. He also noted that the coroner did not conclude that the wrapping was the cause of Gilbert’s death. (Read more from “WME Learns of Bondage Death at Exec’s Home” HERE)

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Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Claims She’s From the Bronx but New Information Shows Where She Really Grew up

The hardscrabble biography of Democrat Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been called into question after the revelation that she grew up mostly in wealthy Westchester County.

Though Ocasio-Cortez, 28, was born in and currently lives in the Bronx, county land records show her late father Sergio Cortez-Roman bought a quaint three-bedroom in Yorktown Heights, New York in 1991, when she was about two.

It is an apparent contradiction with the candidate’s official biography, which states in part: ‘The state of Bronx public schools in the late 80s and early 90s sent her parents on a search for a solution. She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40 minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.’

Ocasio-Cortez also boasted on Stephen Colbert’s late-night show that President Donald Trump, born in Queens, wouldn’t know how to handle ‘a girl from the Bronx’ such as herself. . .

Little-known before her shock Democratic primary defeat of 10-term Congressional incumbent Joe Crowley on Tuesday night, Ocasio-Cortez has featured her own hard-luck biography as a key selling point in her insurgent campaign. (Read more from “Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Claims She’s From the Bronx but New Information Shows Where She Really Grew up” HERE)

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David Hogg Tweets, Deletes Call for Flags to Be Lowered for Annapolis Victims After Trump Refuses

Gun-control activist David Hogg picked another fight with President Trump on Monday evening — this time over the Annapolis newspaper shootings — and then reconsidered.

Apparently reacting to reports earlier Monday evening that Mr. Trump had rejected a request from the Annapolis mayor to fly U.S. flags at half mast in mourning for the five Capital Gazette workers killed last week, Mr. Hogg called for lowering the flag.

“I think we should fly our flags at half mast for next 5 days #HalfMastForAnnapolis. RT if you agree,” he posted on Twitter at 10:11 p.m. Monday. . .

A few minutes later though, apparently recognizing a mistake he had made in flag terminology, he sent a slightly reworded tweet.

“I think we should fly our flags at #HalfstaffForAnnapolis for next 5 days. RT if you agree,” he wrote, changing to word “halfmast” to “half-staff.”

(Read more from “David Hogg Tweets, Deletes Call for Flags to Be Lowered for Annapolis Victims After Trump Refuses” HERE)

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‘Transracial’ Rachel Dolezal Booked on Welfare Fraud Charges

The white woman who gained notoriety by falsely claiming to be black and becoming an NAACP chapter president was booked Monday on charges of welfare fraud.

Rachel Dolezal was also fingerprinted at the Spokane County jail in Washington state, according to a judge’s order that let her be released on her own recognizance Monday evening.

Ms. Dolezal pleaded not guilty last month to first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making a false verification statement and second-degree perjury, Fox News reported.

According to authorities, Ms. Dolezal had reported her usual income as under $500 per month in order to be eligible for state welfare and food assistance, of which she received more than $8,800 between August 2015 and November 2017.

However, according to a subpoena of her bank statements and other records, she had made nearly $84,000 over those three years, from her autobiography, “In Full Color,” from speaking engagements and sales of home-made products. (Read more from “‘Transracial’ Rachel Dolezal Booked on Welfare Fraud Charges” HERE)

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Scumbag: Some Jerk Drained the Bank Account of America’s Oldest Living Veteran

Some thief committed identity fraud and stole every penny out of the bank account of America’s oldest living veteran, Richard Overton. The good news, though, is that a previously created GoFundMe has already accumulated more than $300,000 to help recoup the losses.

Richard Overton, aged 112, is the oldest living veteran in the United States. His personal information is readily available online, and his family members say that somebody must have taken it to “hack” into his personal bank account and take his life’s savings.

Someone used his account to purchase savings bonds with Treasury Direct, Richard Overton’s cousin Volma Overton Jr. said. He added that the purchases had been happening for a “couple of months.”

Volma Overton discovered the account discrepancy when he deposited money into Richard Overton’s personal account, then went to the bank to check the balance. All that was in there was the money he had just deposited.

“I looked at it — what the hell are these debits?” Volma Overton recalled thinking when a bank employee pulled up the statement showing the money went to Treasury Direct. He said the bank has been very helpful and that he’s also sent a letter to Treasury Direct. The family has not notified police.

(Read more from “Scumbag: Some Jerk Drained the Bank Account of America’s Oldest Living Veteran” HERE)

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SPLC Finally Held Responsible for Falsely Labeling People as ‘Extremists’

After being sued in April by Islamic reformer Maajid Nawaz and his organization, the Quilliam Foundation—over being listed as an “anti-Muslim extremist” in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists”—the SPLC has announced that they reached a settlement with the liberal Islamic reformer, agreeing to pay Nawaz and Quilliam $3.375 million “to fund their work to fight anti-Muslim bigotry and extremism.”

“The Southern Poverty Law Center was wrong to include Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation in our Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists. Since we published the Field Guide, we have taken the time to do more research and have consulted with human rights advocates we respect,” SPLC president Richard Cohen said in a statement. “We’ve found that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have made valuable and important contributions to public discourse, including by promoting pluralism and condemning both anti-Muslim bigotry and Islamist extremism. Although we may have our differences with some of the positions that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have taken, they are most certainly not anti-Muslim extremists. We would like to extend our sincerest apologies to Mr. Nawaz, Quilliam, and our readers for the error, and we wish Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam all the best.

The list, which was published in 2016 and deleted shortly after Nawaz filed the suit, was reportedly intended to serve as a resource for journalists. The deletion of his inclusion as an “extremist”—a very serious accusation—came nearly two years the Muslim reformer first demanded the organization retract. The fact that it took litigation before he was removed from the list, despite requesting to be taken off of the list two years earlier, reveals the organization almost certainly had no intention of removing him without legal challenge.

“It’s a shame that it took impending litigation for the Southern Poverty Law Center to finally set the record straight and admit it was wrong all along,” Megan Meier, a partner at Clare Locke, the law firm that represented Nawaz, said in a statement provided to National Review. “Quilliam and Mr. Nawaz do admirable work, and we are honored to have restored their reputations and achieved this victory on their behalf.”

Therein lies the problem, as critics say that the SPLC operates as more of a partisan progressive hit operation than an actual civil rights watchdog group, and nefariously utilizes its position as an arbiter of hatred by including legitimate partisan ideologues as “extremists” alongside white supremacists in an effort to rile up its liberal donor base as it simultaneously pushes a partisan political agenda.

The SPLC has previously included Senator Rand Paul and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on extremist lists (Paul for suggesting private businesses shouldn’t have to adhere to the Civil Rights Act and criticizing the Fair Housing Act; Carson for his views opposing same-sex marriage), according to Politico.

Carson was eventually removed from the “extremist watch” list and the group issued an apology after the absurdity of his inclusion became a widespread topic of derision across the conservative media spectrum. But the entire episode led to a more clear realization of the intrinsically politicized nature of the SPLC.

“Time and again, I see the SPLC using the reputation it gained decades ago fighting the Klan as a tool to bludgeon mainstream politically conservative opponents,” Cornell Law Professor and critic of the SPLC, William Jacobson said. “For groups that do not threaten violence, the use of SPLC ‘hate group’ or ‘extremist’ designations frequently are exploited as an excuse to silence speech and speakers. It taints not only the group or person but others who associate with them.”

The controversial group similarly branded Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali- and Muslim-born critic of the religion, as an “extremist” for advocating the abolition the atrocious practice of female genital mutilation, which she herself was subject to as a child.

The SPLC’s targeting of Nawaz, who is a former Islamist turned anti-extremism advocate and recognized human rights advocate, even sparked critical coverage in The Atlantic—a publication founded by abolitionists.

But perhaps the most critical problem is the legitimacy given to the SPLC by four of the world’s biggest tech platforms, as revealed in an exclusive investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation, which showed Facebook, Amazon, Google and Twitter all utilize the SPLC, which routinely labels conservative organizations as “hate groups,” to police their platforms for “hate speech.”

The investigation revealed that while Amazon gives the SPLC the most direct authority over its platform, all of the aforementioned tech companies give the progressive organization a significant amount of influence within their platforms.

“We remove organizations that the SPLC deems as ineligible,” an Amazon spokeswoman told the DCNF.

Amazon grants the SPLC that power “because we don’t want to be biased whatsoever,” the spokeswoman said. However, she could not say whether Amazon considers the SPLC to be unbiased.

Consequently, Christian legal groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom—which recently successfully represented a Christian baker before the Supreme Court—are banned from using the Amazon Smile program, while openly anti-Semitic groups are allowed on the platform, according to the report.

“Charitable organizations must meet the requirements outlined in our participation agreement to be eligible for AmazonSmile. Organizations that engage in, support, encourage, or promote intolerance, hate, terrorism, violence, money laundering, or other illegal activities are not eligible. If at any point an organization violates this agreement, its eligibility will be revoked,” an Amazon spokeswoman said in an additional statement.

“Since 2013, Amazon has relied on the US Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Southern Poverty Law Center to help us make these determinations. While this system has worked well, we do listen to and consider the feedback of customers and other stakeholders, which we will do here as well,” the spokeswoman added.

Additionally, the Daily Caller report went on to note that Google uses the SPLC to police “hate speech” on YouTube:

Google uses the SPLC to help police hate speech on YouTube as part of YouTube’s “Trusted Flagger” program, The Daily Caller reported in February, citing a source with knowledge of the agreement. Following that report, the SPLC confirmed they’re policing hate speech on YouTube.

The SPLC and other third-party groups in the “Trusted Flagger” program work closely with YouTube’s employees to crack down on extremist content in two ways, according to YouTube.

First, the flaggers are equipped with digital tools allowing them to mass flag content for review by YouTube personnel. Second, the groups act as guides to YouTube’s content monitors and engineers who design the algorithms policing the video platform, but may lack the expertise needed to tackle a given subject.

The SPLC is one of over 300 government agencies and nongovernmental organizations in the YouTube program, the vast majority of which remain hidden behind confidentiality agreements.

So, we have an organization that has no issues with putting Rand Paul on a list of “extremists” being given control of the modern informational gateways of society. If this group is willing to classify people like Ben Carson and Paul as “extremists,” they cannot be realistically trusted to determine what is “hate speech” worthy of removal—also referred to as censorship.

Essentially, what you have is a partisan ideological organization masquerading as a legitimate civil right group that has operationalized as a censorship mechanism for the masses. By simply equating a person or organization with “extremism,” the SPLC—in concert with the big tech companies—has the ability to effectively delegitimize them across the mass media spectrum, which will dutifully report whatever the SPLC deems as truth. (For more from the author of “SPLC Finally Held Responsible for Falsely Labeling People as ‘Extremists'” please click HERE)

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Record-Setting Baby Boom at U.S. Hospital — 48 Born in 41 Hours

By The Blaze. Forty-eight babies were born at Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center over a period of less than two days this past week, setting a new record for the Fort Worth, Texas, hospital, KTXA-TV reported.

The number of births amounted to an average of more than one baby an hour, and the nursery is bracing for more, according to the report. . .

“There’s always talk about full moon. We definitely had a big full moon this week,” OB-GYN Dr. Jamie Erwin told the TV station. “Maybe there is something to that as well, maybe not. But it’s always a busy time of the year.”

Texas state records back it up. Most babies in the state are born in either July, August or September, the report states. (Read more from “Record-Setting Baby Boom at U.S. Hospital — 48 Born in 41 Hours” HERE)


It’s a Baby Boom! 48 Babies Delivered in 41 Hours at Baylor

By CBS. The nursery at Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth has never been as full as it has in the last 41 hours. And, the halls have never been so busy.

Since June 26, 48 babies were born in less than 2 days. That’s an average of more than one baby an hour. And, there’s definitely a lively discussion here about why. . .

Nursing director Michelle Stemley’s phone blew up with messages on Wednesday.

“People were asking about staffing,” she recalled. “I was like, ‘what’s going on?’ ”

But, she said the hospital was prepared. Extra staff was called in; pizza ordered and even after 48 babies in a short span of time, they are ready for more. “We are trained for this,” she said. (Read more from “It’s a Baby Boom! 48 Babies Delivered in 41 Hours at Baylor” HERE)

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Embarrassing: Clinton Turns Into Stuttering Mess When Asked About Melania Trump

By The Daily Caller. In an interview published Friday, Hillary Clinton was asked about first lady Melania Trump and what she thought of President Trump’s immigration policy.

Clinton’s bizarre, rambling response made little sense and did not convey much information.

The Guardian’s Decca Aitkenhead writes:

“I ask how [Clinton] interpreted the jacket the first lady wore to visit a child detention centre, bearing the opaque and intriguing slogan: ‘I really don’t care, do u?’ Clinton slumps back in her chair, wide eyed, arms spread, defeated by the mystery. ‘That, I have no idea. I have no idea. I can’t even … I don’t have any idea. I don’t know.’ Does she feel sorry for the first lady? ‘I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.’”

The Guardian article also includes a quote from Clinton in which she refuses to condemn many on the left becoming “uncivil.” (Read more from “Embarrassing: Clinton Turns Into Stuttering Mess When Asked About Melania Trump” HERE)


First Lady Melania Trump Visits Immigrant Children in Second Trip to Border Region

By USA Today. First lady Melania Trump made her second visit to the southern border region Thursday, aiming to display a more compassionate view toward separated immigrant families as President Donald Trump pushes ahead with his crackdown on illegal immigration.

In Tucson, Melania Trump visited a Customs and Border Patrol facility to learn firsthand how those on the front lines – Border Patrol officers, immigration agents, immigrant families, social workers and residents – deal with immigrant children.

Most of those children crossed the border by themselves, but more than 2,000 were separated from their parents under the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for undocumented border crossers.

The first lady also stopped in Phoenix, where she met with people who worked with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and Southwest Key Programs, the nonprofit that has housed separated children.

The tour afforded Mrs. Trump a view of just how complicated the issue is: children separated from their parents sat alongside children who came across the border alone. (Read more from “First Lady Melania Trump Visits Immigrant Children in Second Trip to Border Region” HERE)

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