Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. Miller Miller2012-12-29 04:51:042012-12-29 04:51:04Russia’s Pravda: ‘Americans, Never Give Up Your Guns!’
“Chemical weapons were used on Homs,” according to a Syrian Military Police Head who defected. Miller Miller2012-12-28 03:46:162012-12-28 03:46:16Red Line? Your Move, Mr. President!
The report concluded that the US is not in danger of default, but predicted a decline in the value of the US dollar due to quantitative easing. Miller Miller2012-12-28 03:32:322012-12-28 03:32:32Saudi Bank Warning: U.S. Debt Ratio Same As Italy’s
Experts have described the ‘time bomb’ of increasing numbers unable to afford the growing costs of retirement homes, while others have spoken of ‘inhumane deportation.’ Miller Miller2012-12-28 03:30:502012-12-28 03:30:50Germany Accused of ‘Deporting’ Its Elderly: Rising Numbers Moved to Asia and Eastern Europe Because of Sky-High Care Costs
Washington has issued a blistering attack on China for persistent breaches of world trade rules and abuse of industrial secrets, accusing Beijing of failing to abide by treaty obligations. Miller Miller2012-12-26 00:38:272012-12-26 00:38:27Federal Report Lambasts China for Breaches of Trade Rules
What a lovely way to enhance the holiday spirit . . . Don’t we all just love the idea of handing over more money to the Feds . . . for the United Nations?
That big white beard has always stayed the same . . . Miller Miller2012-12-25 03:08:192012-12-25 03:08:19The Changing Face of Old St Nick: How Santa Claus’s Image Has Evolved Through the Past 700 Years
Overseas family: U.S. and foreign soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force took their Christmas Eve dinner at the U.S.-led coalition base in Kabul, Afghanistan on Monday. Miller Miller2012-12-25 02:55:472012-12-25 02:55:47American Troops Share in the Holiday Spirit over Christmas Eve Dinner in Afghanistan
“We are so ‘full’ of ourselves that there is no room left for God . . . Let us ask the Lord that we may become vigilant for his presence, that we may hear how softly yet insistently he knocks at the door of our being and willing. Let us ask that we may make room for Him within ourselves . . .” Miller Miller2012-12-25 00:20:182012-12-25 00:20:18Pope Benedict XVI: Find Room for God in Fast-Paced Modern World
A ‘dad’ is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters happy to forgo the latest iPad, toy or new pet, a survey has found. Miller Miller2012-12-25 00:08:252012-12-25 00:08:25A ‘Dad’ is Tenth Most Popular Christmas List Request for Children
With the US Military beginning to pull back, Japan may have no choice but to arm themselves in the face of regional security threats. Miller Miller2012-12-24 04:35:292012-12-24 04:35:29Japan: On Path to Rearming?
South Korea’s defense ministry suggested that North Korea’s December 12 rocket launch had much greater range than expected. Miller Miller2012-12-24 03:39:312012-12-24 03:39:31Rocket Launch Proves North Korean ICBM Can Now Hit U.S. Mainland
Assange said attempts to prosecute him were an attack on freedom of speech . . . Miller Miller2012-12-22 23:51:412012-12-22 23:51:41Julian Assange: Expect More From WikiLeaks in 2013
As Egyptians vote on whether to adopt the new constitution, Richard Spencer talks to those promoting the new rules – and those fearful of what is to come. Miller Miller2012-12-22 23:40:112012-12-22 23:40:11Egypt Constitutional Vote: ‘Things Are Definitely Worse Than Under the Old Regime’
Good news . . . just in time for Christmas. But why did the Obama administration refuse to play a role in his release? Miller Miller2012-12-22 01:40:322012-12-22 01:40:32Jon Hammar, Marine Jailed in Mexico, Released From Prison (+video)
He said God had created man and woman as a specific “duality” — “an essential aspect of what being human is all about.” Miller Miller2012-12-21 23:41:462012-12-21 23:41:46Pope On Gay Marriage: ‘People Dispute the Idea That They Have a Nature’
Should the United Nations should go the way of the League of Nations? Read more . . . Miller Miller2012-12-21 04:35:532012-12-21 04:35:53UN General Assembly Targets Israel with 22 out of 26 Resolutions in 2012
Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius [-58 F]. Dozens of people have already died. Miller Miller2012-12-19 20:22:512012-12-19 20:22:51Global Warming? Not So Much in -58 F Russia
Way to go Vladimir. I’m sure thousands of Russian children in need of a home will be forever grateful . . . Miller Miller2012-12-18 00:06:532012-12-18 00:06:53Russia to Ban US Adoptions in Retaliation to Magnitsky Act
Just days after 20 school children were stabbed in China, PRC’s official news agency declared that gun control is a must for America. Miller Miller2012-12-17 05:37:312012-12-17 05:37:31China Calls on United States to Adopt Strict Gun Control Without Delay
Russia’s Pravda: ‘Americans, Never Give Up Your Guns!’
/15 Comments/in Featured, International /by Stanislav MishinDo not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question.
Red Line? Your Move, Mr. President!
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Alistair Dawber“Chemical weapons were used on Homs,” according to a Syrian Military Police Head who defected.
Saudi Bank Warning: U.S. Debt Ratio Same As Italy’s
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by WorldTribune.comThe report concluded that the US is not in danger of default, but predicted a decline in the value of the US dollar due to quantitative easing.
Germany Accused of ‘Deporting’ Its Elderly: Rising Numbers Moved to Asia and Eastern Europe Because of Sky-High Care Costs
/2 Comments/in Featured, International /by Mail Foreign ServiceExperts have described the ‘time bomb’ of increasing numbers unable to afford the growing costs of retirement homes, while others have spoken of ‘inhumane deportation.’
Federal Report Lambasts China for Breaches of Trade Rules
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Ambrose Evans-PritchardWashington has issued a blistering attack on China for persistent breaches of world trade rules and abuse of industrial secrets, accusing Beijing of failing to abide by treaty obligations.
Obama Gives Cold Shoulder to Egypt’s Secular Democrats
/0 Comments/in Featured, International, Updates /by Michael MeunierIt seems that a policy decision was made to bring the MB to power in Egypt at all costs, and it happened.
Ho, Ho, Ho: United Nations Wants 5% Budget Increase
/6 Comments/in Featured, International /by Joel B. PollakWhat a lovely way to enhance the holiday spirit . . . Don’t we all just love the idea of handing over more money to the Feds . . . for the United Nations?
The Changing Face of Old St Nick: How Santa Claus’s Image Has Evolved Through the Past 700 Years
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Nina GolgowskiThat big white beard has always stayed the same . . .
American Troops Share in the Holiday Spirit over Christmas Eve Dinner in Afghanistan
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Nina GolgowskiOverseas family: U.S. and foreign soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force took their Christmas Eve dinner at the U.S.-led coalition base in Kabul, Afghanistan on Monday.
Pope Benedict XVI: Find Room for God in Fast-Paced Modern World
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Philip Pullella“We are so ‘full’ of ourselves that there is no room left for God . . . Let us ask the Lord that we may become vigilant for his presence, that we may hear how softly yet insistently he knocks at the door of our being and willing. Let us ask that we may make room for Him within ourselves . . .”
A ‘Dad’ is Tenth Most Popular Christmas List Request for Children
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Hannah FurnessA ‘dad’ is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters happy to forgo the latest iPad, toy or new pet, a survey has found.
Japan: On Path to Rearming?
/5 Comments/in Featured, International /by F. Michael MaloofWith the US Military beginning to pull back, Japan may have no choice but to arm themselves in the face of regional security threats.
Rocket Launch Proves North Korean ICBM Can Now Hit U.S. Mainland
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Paula Hancocks and Greg BotelhoSouth Korea’s defense ministry suggested that North Korea’s December 12 rocket launch had much greater range than expected.
Report: Syrian Chemical Weapons Appearing in Hezbollah Caches
/0 Comments/in Featured, International, Updates /by Moe LaneThe thought of Hezbollah with chemical weapons is truly disturbing . . .
Julian Assange: Expect More From WikiLeaks in 2013
/3 Comments/in Featured, International /by Conal UrquhartAssange said attempts to prosecute him were an attack on freedom of speech . . .
Russia Sends Mixed Signals on Syria
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Paul AlsterWhy is Russia arming President Assad’s government with missiles if it really expects the regime to fall?
Egypt Constitutional Vote: ‘Things Are Definitely Worse Than Under the Old Regime’
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Richard SpencerAs Egyptians vote on whether to adopt the new constitution, Richard Spencer talks to those promoting the new rules – and those fearful of what is to come.
Jon Hammar, Marine Jailed in Mexico, Released From Prison (+video)
/5 Comments/in Featured, International, Updates /by Joseph J. KolbGood news . . . just in time for Christmas. But why did the Obama administration refuse to play a role in his release?
Pope On Gay Marriage: ‘People Dispute the Idea That They Have a Nature’
/2 Comments/in Featured, International /by Associated PressHe said God had created man and woman as a specific “duality” — “an essential aspect of what being human is all about.”
UN General Assembly Targets Israel with 22 out of 26 Resolutions in 2012
/7 Comments/in Featured, International /by the algemeinerShould the United Nations should go the way of the League of Nations? Read more . . .
Rep. Hunter Calls for Americans to Boycott Mexico
/3 Comments/in Featured, International /by Stephen DinanIt’s unfortunate that the Obama Administration will not intervene. But we’ve come expect such morally obtuse responses from this White House . . .
Epic Fail: Team Obama’s Entire Middle East Policy Unravels
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by K.T. McFarlandObama’s ‘Arab Spring’ has turned into a national security nightmare . . .
Global Warming? Not So Much in -58 F Russia
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Yakov AndreevRussia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius [-58 F]. Dozens of people have already died.
Russia to Ban US Adoptions in Retaliation to Magnitsky Act
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by rt.comWay to go Vladimir. I’m sure thousands of Russian children in need of a home will be forever grateful . . .
China Calls on United States to Adopt Strict Gun Control Without Delay
/54 Comments/in Featured, International /by Mark McDonaldJust days after 20 school children were stabbed in China, PRC’s official news agency declared that gun control is a must for America.