After Almost Two Weeks of Democratic Delays, Senate Passes $484 Billion Relief Bill (VIDEO)

Senate Republicans applauded a deal to refund the relief to coronavirus-stricken businesses on Tuesday after 12 days of delays they blamed on Democratic stalling.

The bill includes $310 billion to refund the Paycheck Protection Program, and $100 billion for hospitals and testing. . .

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) criticized Democrats for stalling the relief deal in order to shoehorn their provisions into the bill.

“Republicans never wanted this crucial program for workers and small businesses to shut down,” said McConnell according to Fox News.

“We tried to pass additional funding a week before it lapsed,” he explained. “But Democratic leaders blocked the money and spent days trying to negotiate extraneous issues that were never on the table. I am grateful our colleagues have walked away from those demands and will finally let Congress act.”

(Read more from “After Almost Two Weeks of Democratic Delays, Senate Passes $484 Billion Relief Bill (VIDEO)” HERE)

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