Pelosi: Part Time Jobs Are Liberating, Now Go Pursue Your Passion – Broke and Hungry (+video)

pelosi_spendingAs America runs headlong towards joining the ranks of the banana republics of the world, it’s nice to see that our leadership is embracing a third world work ethic for all Americans. In an interview this past Sunday, one of our nation’s greatest arguments for term limits was on TV, babbling almost incoherently and defying us to try to follow her contorted logic.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is fresh back from schmoozing with the world’s financial elite at the wedding of George Soros, the currency killer. Naturally, she’s chocked full of empathy for people trying to make ends meet and facing the reality of part time “obamajobs” being the only employment out there as a result of the impending doom that is obamacare.

But, according to Nancy, that is a good thing. She looks at work as if it is a burden that she and her other deranged know-nothings in the Democrat party are rescuing us from. Now, since we no longer have the option of working forty hours a week, we have all kinds of free time to spend pursuing happiness.

Not the happiness that comes with being able to provide for your family or enjoy dining out or a movie, those non-essential life-enhancing things, no, she’s talking about the happiness that comes with sitting around doing nothing, you know, Democrat happiness.

Read more from this story HERE.

See the Brazilian President’s U.N. Speech Excoriating the United States: ‘Totally Unacceptable’ (+video)

Photo Credit: REUTERS

Photo Credit: REUTERS

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff used her position as the opening speaker at the U.N. General Assembly to accuse the United States of violating human rights and international law through espionage that included spying on her email.

Rousseff had expressed her displeasure last week by calling off a high-profile state visit to the United States scheduled for October over reports that the U.S. National Security Agency had been spying on Brazil.

In unusually strong language, Rousseff launched a blistering attack on U.S. surveillance, calling it an affront to Brazilian sovereignty and “totally unacceptable.”

“Tampering in such a manner in the lives and affairs of other countries is a breach of international law and, as such, it is an affront to the principles that should otherwise govern relations among countries, especially among friendly nations,” Rousseff told the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations.

Read more from this story HERE.

During Jihadists’ Kenyan Mall Massacre, Jihad Flag was Flying Proudly over the Streets of New York City (+video)

Photo Credit: Urban Infidel

Photo Credit: Urban Infidel

At the same time as devout Muslims were separating Muslim children from non-Muslim children and executing them in cold blood in an upscale mall in Kenya, Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag the Muslims in Kenya were killing under).

muslim officersAt the same time as devout Muslims were bombing and attacking the historic All Saints Church and over a hundred Christians in Peshawar, American Muslims marched down Madison Avenue under the flag of jihad (the same flag the Muslims killing Christians in Peshawar were attacking under).

Read more from this story HERE.

Bill Clinton: ‘We’re Not Nearly as Political’ (+video)

Photo Credit: AP

Photo Credit: AP

Former president Bill Clinton says he and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aren’t “nearly as political as everyone thinks we are.”

“We’re not nearly as political as everyone thinks we are,” he told PBS NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff on Monday. “We don’t sit around all the time talking about this. We swim in the late afternoon every day. And if either one of us even mentions a political topic we will stop the other one and just talk about the weather or whatever.”

“But it happens,” Woodruff, who interviewed Clinton just before the start to the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York, jumped in.

Clinton then acknowledged that he and his wife, the former secretary of state, do talk politics, “but not often,” he said.

Read more from this story HERE.

Video: Heritage Foundation Ad In Times Square: Obamacare Is Hazardous To Your Health

Photo Credit: The Gateway Pundit

Photo Credit: The Gateway Pundit

The Heritage foundation posted a billboard in New York City’s Times Square warning citizens that “Obamacare may be hazardous to your health.”

Read more from this story HERE.

‘Obama Express’ Grocery Store Caught in Food Stamp Trafficking (+video)

Photo Credit: AP

Photo Credit: AP

After Obama’s election in 2009 a small grocery store/convenience store in Florida changed its name to the Obama Express. Several other stores across the country did the same thing. One of those was a location in Baltimore, Maryland. Now, in 2013, the Maryland outlet is under investigation, accused of illegally trafficking in food stamps.

On September 17, WBAL reported that nine retailers in Baltimore County had been arrested for illegally redeeming food stamps for cash and kicking back a portion to food stamp recipients. The retailers did not sell them any merchandise or food.

Read more from this story HERE.

House Defunding of Obamacare May Lead to Delay in Individual Mandate (+video)

john_boehner_034In a bold move, Republican Speaker John Boehner and his leadership have done what grassroots organizations have been encouraging them to do all summer: defund ObamaCare. Given the Senate’s Democratic leadership and their refusal to consider this option, the GOP’s move may lead to a compromise to delay the individual mandate at the very least.

As The Washington Times reported, the House vote on the continuing resolution (CR) was 230-189 to eliminate the funding for ObamaCare, stopping its implementation. The Affordable Healthcare Act, which isn’t so affordable, has not been implemented in accordance with its own provisions with the Obama administration missing over half of the legally imposed deadlines.

In addition, the Obama administration has delayed the employer mandate for one year, but not the individual mandate to purchase insurance. With the exchanges set to open October 1, this is the final opportunity to stop ObamaCare.

Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, says that the GOP version of the CR is not going to go anywhere in the Senate. President Obama’s press secretary says that Obama will not negotiate with the Republicans on this issue, either. As a result of Obama’s unwillingness to work with the Republicans, Speaker Boehner asks, why will President Obama negotiate with Putin but not the Republican party in his own country?

Read more from this story HERE.

Tyranny in Maryland: Arrested for Asking A Question About Common Core (+video)

Is Dr. Dallas Dance, Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools, so incompetent and clueless that they have to have someone arrested who asks an “unapproved” question about Dr. Zimba’s statements on the Common Core?



As the push back against Common Core builds momentum, the boot of the state on the necks of the grassroots tightens. Websites, prepaid for 3 years in advance, are suddenly taken down for non-payment even though all the fees were paid. At school board meetings, board members only answer pre-selected questions that have been scripted. No “non-scripted” questions are permitted. Those who violate this, face arrest or other unpleasant experiences. Lord only knows what the child will experience in school as a result of a parent’s question.

Below you will see a video of a parent being ejected, with force, by a security goon, from a school board meeting on common core. The man ejected from the meeting is Robert Small. His crime? He asked a question as reported by the Examiner:

“I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare them for community college…..Parents, take control. We’re sick of this. This is not a CNN political game. This is a public town hall… Listen, don’t stand for this. You’re sitting here like cattle. You have questions. Confront them. They don’t want to do it in public…. Parents, you need to question these people….Do the research, it’s online.”

This is the jackboot of tyranny. This is when you know you are no longer in America of the past. This is the America of Barack Obama. This is an American at a school board meeting being arrested for asking a question pertinent to the meeting. How dare an American tax payer ask Dr. Dallas Dance, Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools, and Lillian Lowery, Maryland Superintendent, a question!

Here you can hear the parents still objecting that their pre-submitted questions were not answered.

I wonder how many people will be arrest at the next meeting in Maryland? These tyrants need to hear from you. Even if you like the Common Core, this is not how taxpayers who payer their salary should be treated. As a citizen, you have the right to speak out. As an American, you are afforded your first Amendment Right. This gentleman did not speak out of turn. He was called on. Yet, he was Forcefully ejected.

If Dr. Dallas is this incompetent, then this superintendent should be fired or recalled. This is an outrageous infringement on the first amendment rights of Mr. Small and other parents in Baltimore, Maryland. This is not a partisan issue. This is an AMERICAN issue. In America, we have the right to debate and discuss policies freely.

If this is how parents are treated, how are they treating children? No wonder children don’t perform well on tests in school, they are afraid to speak out! Clearly, the administration, not the parents or teachers, are the problem.


Read more from CPR Media Network.

This story appeared first in the Examiner.

Feds Praise ‘Islam’s Work for Women’s Rights’ (+video)

Photo Credit: Beth Rankin

Photo Credit: Beth Rankin

Want to see your tax dollars promoting Islam and giving Muslims at an Islamic school in New York an opportunity to complain that other people don’t understand them, don’t respect them and discriminate against them in restaurants?

Oh, and you’ll also learn that Islam gave women rights in the 7th century that women in the West had to live without until the 19th and 20th centuries.

Just tune in to the multimedia page at the website for the Women’s Rights National Historical Park.

The Schenectady, N.Y, attraction is a part of the National Park Service. It highlights the campaign for women’s rights and has created a series of at least three videos with students from the local AnNur Islamic School.

The videos provide a forum for students to boast about Islam and complain about how they are treated. The students also express their beliefs about their own behavior and conduct.

Read more from this story HERE.

Freedom of Speech? College Student When Police Stopped from Handing out Copies of the Constitution (+video)

Photo Credit: AFP

Photo Credit: AFP

A college student from California is making waves this week after being told he couldn’t pass out copies of the United States Constitution on campus.

Robert Van Tuinen, 25, was attempting to hand out complimentary copies of the US Constitution at Modesto Junior College in central California on Tuesday when a police officer informed him that he could only distribute pamphlets on campus if done from within a designated free-speech area that requires weeks of notice to reserve.

“Anytime anything is being passed out it has to be… you have to go through the Student Development office,” said the officer.

“Don’t I have free speech, sir?” Van Tuinen responded, clutching copies of the Constitution.

“But do you know what this is?” he asked. “What are the rules? Why are the rules tied to my free speech?”

Read more from this story HERE.