Bill Kristol Should Man up or Shut Up

The #NeverTrump movement needs to get a grip.

The Weekly Standard’s open letter is an example of how desperate the #NeverTrump people have become. Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected the conservative movement and motivated many anti-Trumpers to embarrass themselves.

Jay Cost wrote a piece titled “An Open Letter to Mitt Romney.” This is basically an open letter to Mitt Romney desperately begging him to run for president. It is truly humiliating that the web site has sunk to the level of writing an open letter to a politician in an effort to shame him into a Kamikaze mission targeting the Republican nominee for President Donald Trump.

Although Cost makes the case that Romney is needed to be the statesman to stand against both Trump and Hillary Clinton, we all know that the primary objective is to stop Trump. If this effort is somehow successful, it will usher Hillary Clinton into the White House. Not coincidentally, Clinton has a foreign policy view that is much closer to the hawkish nation-building views of the Weekly Standard than that of the more restrained Donald Trump.

In the Weekly Standard open letter to Mitt Romney, Cost writes:

I write you not as a fellow conservative, not as a fellow partisan, but as a citizen of our republic. You have served your nation admirably for many years and by any ordinary standard are entitled to a happy retirement. But these are extraordinary times, and your nation still has need of your service. I respectfully implore you to run for president as an independent candidate in 2016.

Mitt Romney ran in the last election cycle and lost as a Republican. He would effectively be a write-in spoiler for the Republican Party under your scenario. Clearly, Romney could not win, but the candidacy would serve the purposes of the angry #NeverTrump gang.

Romney was the Republican nominee in the last election cycle, yet Cost argues for him to be the anti-Republican nominee candidate in this cycle.

Jay Cost writes the following:

Governor Romney, there is nobody else but you who is capable of such a bid. It is a credit to your modesty and sense of decency that you demurred and instead tried persuade others to run. But there really is nobody else. General James Mattis, Senators Ben Sasse and Tom Coburn, and David French are all estimable men, but the enormity of the task was too great for them to accept. Only you possess the experience, the political network, the good health, and the time to dedicate to this great endeavor. Only you have the standing with the voters to endure the assaults of Trump and Clinton.

The Republican voters have spoken and they chose Donald Trump. None of the candidates mentioned ran this cycle. Bill Kristol needs to grow a pair and run for president. It is easy to beg and cajole every other conservative under the sun to run as an independent against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, yet it deifies logic that anybody would do something that Kristol, over at the Weekly Standard, is unwilling to do himself.

So, William Kristol –should man up and run for President or shut up.

One of the more cringe-worthy aspects of Cost’s piece was the following:

This is an incredible request, but you know that some Americans are called by Providence to give more than others. George Washington defended his nation during the Seven Years War, led it to independence in the Revolution, and by 1788 he wanted only to retire to his beloved Mount Vernon. But the nation needed him to launch the new government, so he answered the call. Four years later, he again wished for nothing more than the peaceful life of a country planter, but the harmony of the fragile union required yet another commitment from him. Again, he answered the call.

So Mitt Romney is the second coming of George Washington? I don’t think even Mitt Romney would be comfortable with that comparison. The open letter only serves the purpose as a magnificent troll of the media as MSNBC, Fox News and CNN will pivot to the piece.

Mark my words, before the end of this election cycle – the Weekly Standard will officially endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. Ultimately, many on the #NeverTrump bandwagon will end up being pro-Hillary – some are already there. (For more from the author of “Bill Kristol Should Man up or Shut Up” please click HERE)

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5 Ways Orwell’s 1984 Has Come True Since Its Publication 68 Years Ago

It’s debatable whether George Orwell surmised the ominous threat of totalitarianism that inspired him to pen the dystopic vision, 1984, would extend worldwide and resurface nearly seven decades after its publication. But the novel’s apt description of a world on end have undoubtedly come to pass.

Innumerable examples evidence how 1984 would better be described as a dark portent than a fascinating read, but one thing — the political language dubbed Newspeak, employed by the ruling government, Ingsoc — seems to have served as an instruction manual for the American empire.

Political language stands as arguably the most influential means to shape foreign policy. Through deliberate manipulation of speech, politicians can rally popular support for factually undesirable military operations — or stir fear of any enemy when geostrategic goals demand, even if the targeted group or government poses no actual threat at all.

On the 67th anniversary of the publication of Orwell’s 1984, the following list comprises only a fraction of possible examples of the U.S. government’s version of Newspeak.

1. Moderate rebels: If the public might not be thrilled with government plans to support terrorists, officials simply offer up the less-than-honest term, moderate rebels — and Americans verily stand behind funding and arming the now-non-terrorists to the teeth.

Most notoriously, President Obama and his administration continually advance the notion that training and arming so-called Syrian moderate rebels is somehow a good idea — by hammering the term into gullible minds through its willing mouthpiece, the corporate media. In fact, documents declassified last year proved the U.S. and its allies support for various moderate rebel groups not only led to the formation of Daesh (the so-called Islamic State), officials knew about — and desired — that to happen in hopes a “Salafist principality” would help depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Obviously spiraling out of control into a chaotic quagmire — despite the U.S. having spent $500 million training “4 or 5” rebels — reports earlier this year indicated, as Anti-Media reported, “the same Shia militias fighting with the U.S. to maintain its installed government in Iraq are battling against the U.S.-backed forces — including those armed by the CIA — by bolstering Russian and Iranian efforts to bring control of [Aleppo] back to Assad.”

Moderate rebels is just another opportunistic distortion of an already subjective term.

2. War on Terror: In itself, dystopic, perpetual war now appears to be a reality thanks to the U.S. declaring a War on Terror — a concept, whose reality to people in countless locations it plays out, should honestly be called the War of Terror.

Through the use of such preposterously vague terminology, U.S. bellicrats — the war-touting politicians determined to plump the wallets of the military-industrial machine — cemented the country’s dubious status as World Bully.

After all, waging war on a concept begets a bottomless trove of potential ‘enemy’ targets. World leaders unwilling to bend to the U.S.’ will, sovereign people unfortunate enough to be situated near a natural resource a corporate conglomerate needs, groups fighting for independence from an American ‘ally’ — hell, even segments of the U.S. populace are now deemed terrorists for differing political ideologies.

A War on Terror parallels 1984: “Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” Considering the broad focus coupled with the lack of an official declaration of war, it’s entirely feasible the U.S. will always be at war with Terror.

3. No boots on the ground: How many times has the State Department resolutely declared ‘there will be no boots on the ground in [insert any nation here]’? Concerning Syria, alone, the number topped 16 — and then, with a straight face, the Obama administration outlandishly claimed it never said so.

“It’s just not true,” John Kirby, State Department spokesman, pompously told an understandably perplexed reporter when questioned on whether officials had promised no boots on the ground in Syria. “It’s just not true.”

But, of course, it is true. Not even a question. Not even plausibly deniable. It’s been captured on video. Quoted in articles. So common is the phrase, in fact, it passes largely unnoticed. And no boots on the ground culminating with boots on the ground doesn’t end with Syria.

Five-thousand boots not on the ground somehow ended up fighting on the front lines in Iraq. And now troops are fighting Daesh in Libya. And elsewhere. No boots on the ground has become such a farcical claim, even corporate media have pointed out its illegitimacy.

Just as the War on Terror provides a blanket excuse to further American imperialist goals wherever convenient, no boots on the ground offers the technical out for the U.S. to deploy special forces — and their boots. On the ground.

4. Elections: Every four years, U.S. voters head to the polls to elect the lesser of any number of evils, after enduring over a year of propagandistic mudslinging between various presidential candidates. But this year’s run for the White House evidences the stark futility in that putative exercise of rights.

Countless anecdotal reports of fraud in nearly every state’s primary or caucus thus far largely magically work in Hillary Clinton’s favor. But this makes perfect sense — considering the establishment’s slavish devotion to the former Secretary of State on full display through the corporate media’s laughably slanted reporting. From the moment election season kicked off, the more cynical among us contended candidates are selected, not elected, whatever the system would have you believe.

All arguments to the contrary aside, the Associated Press might have unintentionally proved precisely that, just this week, with its early crowning of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democratic nominee. Irate voters and independent media immediately eviscerated the AP’s wholly invalid announcement as comically premature — but mainstream media parroted the claim in full force, exactly as expected. Now, quelle surprise, evidence Clinton might have literally colluded with the AP to ensure its claim would circulate prior to California’s primary to dissuade voters has surfaced.

Whatever hope voters had to install a (superficially) counter-establishment candidate in the highest office should evaporate in 2016 — the year Americans finally figured out the system is rigged beyond repair. Indeed, election truly amounts to U.S. Newspeak for selection.

5. News: In light of the last point, it’s a wonder so many Americans put faith in mainstream, corporate outlets for an accurate summary of the news, yet they still do. Just six corporations own 90 percent of all media platforms in the U.S., effectively controlling the narrative — whether on foreign policy, legislation, or any goal fitting its needs.

Indeed, many call corporate media the government’s mouthpiece for good reason — a number of executives and upper-level staff from mainstream outlets donate the maximum allowed to line the campaign coffers of politicians in every level of government. Plenty of others have proffered hefty sums to organizations with ties to candidates — such as the Clinton Foundation.

Though the merits of a media without any bias could be debated endlessly, to surmise such intermingling of interests leads to favoritism in the press wouldn’t be a stretch. What would be a stretch, however, would be calling reports from these outlets news in the traditional, original sense.

When the government needs Americans’ approval for, well, anything, it simply turns to the press to cough up an appropriately-tilted news item — and even Orwell, rolling in his grave though he may be now, would have called this process by the most honest non-Newspeak term available: propaganda. (For more from the author of “5 Ways Orwell’s 1984 Has Come True Since Its Publication 68 Years Ago” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Exclusive: Here’s What Alaskan Mother Blames for Daughter’s Loss to Transgender Boy at Champion Track Meet

As widely reported by national outlets over the past several days, a “transgender” boy was allowed to compete in Alaska’s Girls State Championship track meet last week. He placed third at the meet, bumping Mat-Su resident Jennifer VanPelt’s daughter, Allison, from the medal platform.

In a subsequent exclusive interview with Restoring Liberty, Ms. VanPelt revealed that neither she nor her daughter knew that a boy had competed in the girls’ race until sometime later, after media reports came out about it. When they read the boy’s name – “Wangyot” – in one article, Ms. VanPelt exclaimed to her daughter, “Wait! He raced against you! He placed ahead of you, he knocked you out of medal contention!” Her daughter, once the implication of this sunk in, was “really upset.”

Ms. VanPelt told me that Allison “busts her butt seven days a week to train to be able to beat most of the females in this state,” but that she doesn’t “bust her butt to beat a guy [because] men are physically different than women. She can’t grow a bigger heart, or bigger lungs, or more muscle mass like a boy.”

Upset over the fact that her hard-working daughter had been cheated out of a medal, Ms. VanPelt engaged. Even though she does not consider herself politically active – and has been described as “an introvert who raises chickens in [her] backyard” – Ms. VanPelt made her opinion widely known on social media. Several national media groups picked up her comments and now she finds herself at the epicenter of this important issue.

As part of her effort to expose what happened here in Alaska, Ms. VanPelt looked into why the ASAA (Alaska State Athletic Association) is allowing boys to compete in female events. She learned that individual school districts are now given the choice as to whether boys may compete against girls. If a district allows it, the State’s athletic program will not challenge that decision.

Ms. VanPelt thinks this is crazy and so do “close to 9-out-of-10 people” she talks to about allowing boy athletes to compete against girls. She counts as her supporters not just conservatives but liberals, feminists, and members of the LGBT community.

Essentially, Ms. VanPelt says this all boils down to a new cultural norm: the “right as a transgender supersedes your right as a female.” And she’s none too pleased that Alaska political leaders are refusing to speak out against the ASAA’s misogynistic policy.

Ms. VanPelt thinks that “out-of-control political correctness” in the culprit: “we’ve been groomed as a society that we don’t want to hurt other peoples’ feelings, so we shouldn’t speak out about it. We should just keep quiet and turn our heads.”

In looking toward the future, Ms. VanPelt warns “today were dealing with one transgender, what happens when half the field [are transgender]?

To stop this from happening, Ms. VanPelt believes there need to be more people of courage willing to “step it up and say, yeah, this isn’t right, were starting to get out-of-control here.”

I agree. Alaskan leaders – political and religious – should be ashamed for staying silent. They should be embarrassed into action. But we should celebrate those like Jennifer VanPelt who are almost singlehandedly taking on the elites and trying to reverse their perverse agenda.

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

I Wish I Had Been Told About These Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery

Many Americans are unaware of the serious problems that face transgender persons.

For instance, a 2016 study comparing 20 Lebanese transgender participants to 20 control subjects reported that transgender individuals suffer from more psychiatric pathologies compared to the general population. More than 50 percent had active suicidal thoughts and 45 percent had had a major depressive episode.

While it may not be politically correct to link psychological disorders with the transgender population, the researchers see the evidence that a link exists. As a former transgender person, I wish the guy who approved me for gender surgery would have told me about the risks.

Quick to Diagnose

The experience of many gender-confused individuals is that medical professionals are quick to reach a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and recommend immediate cross-gender hormone therapy and irreversible reassignment surgery without investigating and treating the coexisting issues. Research has found that powerful psychological issues, such as anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or alcohol or drug dependence often accompany gender dysphoria.

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics in March 2016 shows a high prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in a sample of 298 young transgender women aged 16 through 29 years old.

More than 40 percent had coexisting mental health or substance dependence diagnoses. One in five had two or more psychiatric diagnoses. The most commonly occurring disorders were major depressive episodes and non-alcohol psychoactive substance use dependence.

Yet, transgender individuals are never required to undergo any objective test to prove their gender dysphoria—because no diagnostic objective test exists.

The cause of this condition can’t be verified through lab results, a brain scan, or review of the DNA make-up.

Research studies from 2013 and 2009 looking for a “transgender gene” showed not a smidgeon of abnormality in the genetic make-up that causes someone to be transgender.

No alterations in the main sex-determining genes in male-to-female transsexual individuals were found, suggesting strongly that male-born transgender persons are normal males biologically.

Psychological Care Urgently Needed

The study concluded that improved access to medical and psychological care “are urgently needed to address mental health and substance dependence disorders in this population.”

On the contrary, it did not conclude that improved access to bathrooms, hormones, or surgery are urgently needed.

A 2015 study of 118 individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria found that 29.6 percent were also found to have dissociative disorders and a high prevalence of lifetime major depressive episodes (45.8 percent), suicide attempts (21.2 percent), and childhood trauma (45.8 percent).

It also remarked that differentiating between a diagnosis of dissociative disorder and gender dysphoria is difficult because the two can closely resemble each other.

Another study found a “surprisingly high prevalence of emotional maltreatment” in the 41 transsexuals studied. It called for further investigation to clarify the effects of traumatic childhood experiences and the correlation between transsexualism and dissociative identity.

That finding tracks with what I experienced in my transgender life. In my life and in the lives of those whose families contact me, traumatic childhood experiences are present 100 percent of the time.

Childhood Gender Dysphoria

One area where medical professionals should tread lightly is in the diagnosis and treatment of children who have gender identity issues.

A 2015 study aimed to gather input from pediatric endocrinologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and ethicists—both those in favor and those opposed to early treatment—to further the ethical debate.

The results showed no consensus on many basic topics of childhood gender dysphoria and insufficient research to support any recommendations for childhood treatments, including the currently published guidelines that recommend suppressing puberty with drugs until age 16, after which cross-sex hormones may be given.

An analysis of the 38 youth referrals for gender dysphoria to the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic at the University School of Medicine in Indianapolis showed that more than half had psychiatric and/or developmental comorbidities.

Without sufficient research and consensus on treatment of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and knowing over half have coexisting disorders, any invasive treatment, even if recommended by the current guidelines, is simply an experiment.

It’s time to stop using children as experiments.

Transgender Persons Are Struggling Psychologically

Transgender individuals need psychotherapy not access to cross-sex restrooms, showers, and dressing areas. Blaming society for the ills of transgender persons will not improve their diagnosis and treatment.

Reckless disregard for the mental disorders in favor of enforcing preferred pronouns is madness. It’s time to show compassion by telling the truth and stop pretending they are born that way.

True compassion is acknowledging the mental disorders and providing effective, sound treatment in an effort to slow the staggering number of suicides, before rushing to perform irreversible surgeries. (For more from the author of “I Wish I Had Been Told About These Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

World Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

Michio Kaku has made a name for himself as a world-leading theoretical physicist unafraid to speak his mind.

Kaku, the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York, has published more than 70 articles in physics journals on topics such as supersymmetry, superstring theory, supergravity, and hadronic physics.

His latest claim is likely to make waves in the world of science.

“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, Kaku says in a video produced by Big Think. “To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance” . . .

You can watch the video below and see for yourself why Kaku believes science points to an intelligent creator who formed the universe. (I’m certainly not going to try to explain it.)

(Read more from “World Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

New Tunnel Unveiled in Bizarre ‘Demonic’ Ceremony

The world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel was unveiled with a bizarre ceremony featuring a goat-man who dies and is resurrected, women simulating sex with each other and drone-like human workers marching to a rhythmic drum beat.

The Gotthard Base Tunnel was dedicated in Switzerland with male and female workers wearing orange jumpsuits and marching robotically like soldiers obeying their commands.

Young men and women appear dressed in white underwear, while two of the women engage in simulated lesbian sex. These individuals represent the masses who will ride the trains through the tunnel.

Charisma magazine questioned the motives of the organizers of the ceremony, which was broadcast to millions and meant to celebrate a project that took 17 years to complete, extending 35 miles through the Alps and costing more than 11 billion Euros, making it the longest and most expensive tunnel on record . . .

The tunnel winds through the Swiss Alps and is said to be a sterling example of European unity in an age of rising nationalism and closing borders. (Read more from “New Tunnel Unveiled in Bizarre ‘Demonic’ Ceremony” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

What Hillary Did Just Before Vince Foster Killed Himself

Hillary Clinton relentlessly browbeat her clinically depressed former law partner Vince Foster shortly before he committed suicide in 1993, according to notes from a final jailhouse interview with a former close business partner of the Clintons, the Free Beacon reports.

Jim McDougal, a close confidant of the Clintons for many years, said in a final interview before he died that Hillary had a “hard, difficult personality” and was “riding [Vince Foster] every minute” about Whitewater before Foster took his own life.

He called Bill a “master con artist” who wed Hillary after a “cold-blooded search” to find a politically beneficial wife. Mcdougall said Bill wanted to keep Hilary from succeeding in her own political career.

“I think it was a cold-blooded search by both of them [Bill Clinton and former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker] to find political wives,” said McDougal. “Important who to choose, still hungover from the 60s and both looking for good credentials to back them up.”

“Hillary had credentials to clean up after Bill, he thought she’d keep him organized,” he said. “The truth is that [Bill’s former aide] Betsey Wright was the one who got him organized for his comeback.”

McDougal was a central figure in the Whitewater scandal and convicted of fraud in 1996 in connection to the controversial real estate partnership with the Clintons. He died in 1998 of a heart attack.

“When I saw Vince Foster to put Clintons out of Whitewater, he was clearly depressed, a clinical thing. He was star[t]ing conversation talking about aging, eyesight going, asked me to sign something,” said McDougal.

“Then Vince Foster committed suicide,” continued McDougal. “He had so much of their shit on his head and Hillary was riding him every minute.”

Foster, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and advisers, was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a Virginia park in 1993. He had been depressed and struggling to shield the Clintons from legal fallout over Whitewater.

The FBI looked into Foster’s death in 1993 and concluded that Hillary Clinton “triggered” Foster’s decision to take his own life after she publicly humiliated him during a White House meeting.

“Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she publicly embarrassed him in front of others,” Jim Clemente, a senior FBI investigator on the probe, told investigative reporter Ron Kessler.

After Foster’s death, files related to the Clintons’ investments were removed from his White House office.

They probably landed in her paper shredder.

McDougal’s ex-wife, Susan McDougal, was convicted of contempt of court in 1996 for refusing to answer questions about the Clintons and Whitewater in front of a grand jury. She received a full presidential pardon from Bill right before he left office.

McDougal also described Hillary as “generally a pain in the ass” and “very difficult for everyone, including Bill.” He said Bill seemed to privately enjoy the Whitewater scandal because it was damaging to Hillary’s future political career.

“She had a hard, difficult personality and it got truly released,” said McDougal. “When Bill got to be his own man again, I could see it starts up agains [sic].”

“I think Bill may actually like Whitewater because it makes certain it denies Hillary a position of honor and power in country [sic],” he added.

At the time of McDougal’s death he was still cooperating with federal prosecutors on their investigation of the Clintons’ involvement with the Whitewater real estate venture. The Clintons were never charged.

The controversy stemmed from the 1970s, when McDougal and his wife partnered with the Clintons to purchase a large tract of land in the Arkansas Ozarks. The unsuccessful investment became a national scandal decades later, after the New York Times reported on evidence of impropriety related to the deal.

A central question in the case was whether Bill Clinton used his political influence to help obtain a fraudulent federal loan for the McDougals. There were also accusations of kickbacks related to Hillary Clinton’s alleged legal work on behalf of the McDougals’ bank, Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.

McDougal gave a candid, first-hand account of the controversy in his book Arkansas Mischief, written with Wilkie. He argued that the Clintons knowingly broke the law in Whitewater and other deals, repeatedly lied under oath, and accepted bribes while in Arkansas. He also claimed Bill and his ex-wife, Susan, had a long-standing affair that began during their marriage, free beacon reported.

McDougal’s friend and fellow prisoner Darren Wesley Williams wrote to the editor of the now-defunct George Magazine about how he liked Jim, who made him laugh. The guards were negligent he said in giving him his medication.

“In the T.V. room he’d have his arm slung over another chair,” Williams added. “If someone came up and asked to sit there he’d say, ‘no, I’m saving this for Bill.’”

Maybe there’s room for Hillary too. (For more from the author of “What Hillary Did Just Before Vince Foster Killed Himself” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Joe Miller Blasts Senator Sullivan for Betrayal of Conservative Values

Fairbanks, Alaska – The news of Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan’s endorsement of Lisa Murkowski’s re-election campaign versus former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan was met with strong condemnation from 2014 rival Joe Miller on Tuesday evening.

“From supporting Planned Parenthood’s federally funded abortions, to continuing Barack Obama’s illegal amnesty and funding Obamacare, Lisa Murkowski’s loyalty lies with DC cronies and political insiders rather than the people of Alaska.

“Senator Dan Sullivan’s endorsement of Lisa Murkowski is a betrayal of everything Alaska conservatives hold dear,” continued Miller. “Dan told us he was a conservative. He told us he shared our Tea Party values. He told us he was a fighter who would confront the Obama administration. Now he has endorsed one of Barack Obama and Harry Reid’s chief enablers.

“I think I owe Alaskans an apology for taking Dan at his word and supporting him in the 2014 general election.”

Just last month Senator Sullivan endorsed Alaska nemesis and ANWR development opponent John McCain’s re-election bid against strong free-market conservative Kelli Ward.

Joe Miller concluded: “This is a sad day for Alaska. Dan Sullivan needs to be reminded that we have enough talkers in the Senate. All talk, no action won’t cut it. Talk is cheap. Sadly, it appears Dan has abandoned Alaska conservatives for the DC Cartel.”

Here’s How Clinton Answered When Asked If the Right to Bear Arms Is a Constitutional Right

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton declined to say if she thinks the Second Amendment guarantees the constitutional right to bear arms during an interview Sunday with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

Stephanopoulos asked Clinton, “Do you believe that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right, that it’s not linked to service in a militia?”

“I think that for most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment until the decision by the late Justice Scalia, and there was no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right, as we do with every amendment, to impose reasonable regulations,” she replied. “So I believe we can have common-sense gun safety measures consistent with the Second Amendment” . . .

“I said, do you believe that their conclusion that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right?” he pressed.

“If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations, and what people have done with that decision is to take it as far as they possibly can and reject what has been our history from the very beginning of the republic, where some of the earliest laws that were passed were about firearms,” Clinton said. (Read more from “Here’s How Clinton Answered When Asked If the Right to Bear Arms Is a Constitutional Right” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Hillary Campaign Rocked by Secret Service Agent Book Exposing Clintons’ Dirty Laundry

Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. So I must speak out.

I had no animosity toward the Clintons. Out of a sense of loyalty to our First Family I even secretly disposed of sordid physical evidence that might later have been used to convict the president. The blue dress wasn’t the only evidence of his misdeeds. But I could not keep from asking myself how our nation’s leaders could be so reckless, so volatile, and so dangerous to themselves and to our nation. And yes, to me and my family.

I want you to hear my story. It’s about the men and women risking their lives to protect this nation. And more important, it’s about how the Clintons must never again be allowed to put them or you and your children—at risk.”

– Gary Byrne, former secret service agent.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is scrambling as details emerge of a shocking “tell-all” book written by an ex-Secret Service agent, Gary Byrne, who protected the Clintons during the 1990s.

Former secret service agent Gary Byrne was posted outside Bill Clinton’s Oval Office in the 1990s, and has decided that since “the Clintons must never again be allowed to put your children at risk”, to write a tell all book titled “Crisis of Character”, exposing the Clintons’ dirty laundry.

As Drudge Report notes (whose article has shot the book to the top spot of all Amazon book sales), the secret project is causing deep concern inside of Clinton’s campaign. Specific details of the agent’s confessional are being held under tight embargo, although numerous pages have been disclosed in the promo to the book (see below).

“What I saw in the 1990s sickend me,” Byrne explains. “I want you to hear my story.”

His expose, scheduled to be published on June 26, just weeks before the Democratic primary, is set to rock the Clinton’s campaign and comes as Hillary finds herself within touching distance of securing the Democratic nomination.

Because I was there – in the spotlight, in the crosshairs — I realize better than most Americans that we have pretty much forgotten what an amateur-night, three-ring circus the Clinton White House was.

In the book, Byrne provides a firsthand account of the scandals – known and unknown – and daily trials ranging from the minor to national in scale.

“Having witnessed the personal and political dysfunction of the Clinton White House – so consumed by scandal and destroying their enemies, real and imagined – Byrne came to understand that, to the Clintons, governing was an afterthought.

He now tells this story – before voters go to the polls – in the hopes that Clinton supporters will understand the real Hillary Clinton.

The book titled Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate is set to hit shelves on June 28. The Democratic convention, where Hillary could be confirmed as the nominee, will take place a month later.

I have not written a word of this book with a political agenda. Whether the Clintons were Democrats or Republicans, I saw what I saw; I heard what I heard. Politics do not change unpleasant truths. Politicians only think they do.

Many of the most shocking revelations are being withheld but below are some of the key excerpts released so far:

I witnessed firsthand the Clintons’ personal and professional dysfunction: So consumed were they by scandal, so intent on destroying their real or imagined enemies, that governing became an afterthought. The First Couple wasted days obsessing over how to “kill” a forthcoming book (one alleging that Bill Clinton’s mother ran a brothel) or in squashing yet another tabloid revelation. Their machinations and their constant damage control diverted them from the nation’s real business. Good people like Leon Panetta, Betty Currie, and Evelyn Lieberman had to pick up the slack and bear it for as long as they could.

I saw how the Clinton Machine’s appalling leadership style endangered law enforcement officers, the military, and the American people in general. And with Hillary Clinton’s latest rise, I realize that her own leadership style—volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else hasn’t changed a bit.

…Though portrayed as the long-suffering spouse of an unfaithful husband, whose infidelities I personally observed or knew to be true, the Hillary Clinton I saw was anything but a sympathetic victim. Those loyal to her kept coming back for her volcanic eruptions.

Or when Byrne “disposed of sordid physical evidence” (because the “blue dress wasn’t the only evidence of his misdeeds”) to help keep Bill’s job:

I had no animosity toward the Clintons. Out of a sense of loyalty to our First Family I even secretly disposed of sordid physical evidence that might later have been used to convict the president. The blue dress wasn’t the only evidence of his misdeeds. But I could not keep from asking myself how our nation’s leaders could be so reckless, so volatile, and so dangerous to themselves and to our nation.

And yes, to me and my family. Only under federal subpoena—and later a ruling by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist—did I reveal to Ken Starr’s prosecutors the true story of President Bill Clinton’s false testimony and misstatements.

Or when Hillary gave Bill a black-eye:

One morning in late summer 1995, I entered the White House to assume my post just outside the Oval Office officially Secret Service Post E-6. Things were stirring, and I wanted to know why.

Everyone on post that night, Secret Service agents (SAs), Secret Service Uniformed Division (UD) officers like myself, the houseman, and the ushers couldn’t help but hear the First Couple arguing as sounds from their fracases traveled through the old building. Mrs. Clinton had a booming voice, and their yelling matches easily traversed the living quarters’ private elevator, vents, and staircase. Many housemen eased away, but the SAs and UD couldn’t leave their posts. This was especially a big argument that ended with a crash. SAs were obligated to respond and found its cause, a vase on the other side of the room. A houseman picked up the damage. The First Couple couldn’t just sweep up and toss out the remains because everything in the White House is logged and recorded, befitting its role as a national landmark and a veritable museum.

I peeked into the curator’s small, windowless ground-floor office across from the China Room and the Diplomatic Reception Room. It was cluttered with blueprints and history books on the every detail of the White House: fabrics, furniture, artifacts. Sure enough, there was a box containing a light blue vase smashed to bits. The rumors were true!

“Can I help you?”

The White House’s official curator looked up from what she was reading, clearly annoyed and already tired of people checking out the box. “Can I help you, Officer?” she said again.

“No thanks,” I said.

The president entered around nine. His arrival times fluctuated. I couldn’t believe my eyes: a black eye! I was well accustomed to his allergy-prone, puffy eyes. But this was a shiner, a real, live, put-a-steak-on-it black eye. I was shocked. Minutes later, I popped into the office of Betty Currie, the president’s personal secretary. Nancy Hernreich, his personal scheduler, was already there.

“What’s the black mark on the president’s face?” I asked.

I felt real tension.

“Oh, uh, he’s allergic to coffee,” said Nancy, turning toward her office.

“An allergy to coffee shows in just one eye?”

Betty smiled. She burrowed down into her work, chuckling, but looking busy. As I departed, I added, “I’m also allergic to the back of someone’s hand.”

I wanted to send a message. We knew what the mark was from, and it wasn’t right. Surely the Clintons must realize how close we are to them, I thought, how deeply we feel about our responsibilities for their safety. Didn’t they feel the same? It wasn’t just that we protected them 24/7, but we were extremely loyal. We didn’t do our job for the paychecks. Each man and woman protecting them had their reasons, but the Clintons were the focal point of every reason.

What might happen if she had sucker-punched him? Or if that vase had hit its target? If his head hit a countertop corner, my entire life’s work would have been for nothing.

Sure, seeing a president’s black eye is strange but standing at my post I couldn’t escape the sinking feeling that this didn’t make sense.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I loved my job and I believed in it, but I couldn’t make sense of any of it.

It was a circus. Yet I never lost a sense of wonder and excite- ment. Even when the First Lady hollered and cursed and demanded firing thousands of people who protected her—and we spent more hours ensuring the Clintons’ protection than we spent with our own families—I loved every minute of most every day. Law enforcement — protecting others — is my passion. Protecting a president is an incredible honor. I low, I kept asking myself, did a kid from Ridley, Pennsylvania, ever get to the White House? I wanted to stay for the rest of my life.

Reality destroyed my dream—in ways I never imagined.

More damning accusations from Byrne:

On 9/11 we vowed “Never forget.” But we always somehow do. And because I was there—in the spotlight, in the crosshairs—I realize better than most Americans that we have pretty much forgotten what an amateur-night, three-ring circus the Clinton White House was. But I haven’t forgotten.

* * *

I remember Monica, sure. But I remember Hillary, too: the shortcuts she took, the methods she employed, the yelling, the screaming, her disdain for “the little people,” Bill’s black eye—the country’s black eye.

You want to know something? I wanted to forget it all myself I needed to forget it all. d had enough of the whole damned mess— the sleepless nights, the Protective Privilege bullshit, the lawyers, C-SPAN… the cuddling up at night with a loaded pistol just in case. Satchel Paige said: “Don’t look back, something might be gaining on you.” I didn’t want to look back. I wanted to move forward, to shut the door on the Clintons and their whole sordid operation.

To never look back.

But there’s another saying: “It ain’t over t ill it’s over,” and now it’s 2016, and Hillary is running for president again. I faced a choice in 1998: Would I keep silent? Or tell the truth about what I knew, what I saw?

I spoke up. I testified truthfully.

Not everybody did. Some people’s memories got really faulty. Maybe you can’t blame them. They got scared. They had mortgages and careers. They had kids.

People who swore an oath to the Constitution and the law, people who pledged to lay down their lives for principle, people who strapped iron on their hips . . . got scared.

And they conveniently forgot things.

Byrne continues to slam a Hillary who would have been “too busy swapping gossip” with Sidney Blumenthal to hold herself accountable:

Character in leadership comes down to two questions: Would you trade places with anyone under your command? Do you hold yourself to the same level of accountability as those for whom you bear responsibility? Would Mrs. Clinton have been willing to trade places with Chris Stevens and Sean Smith?

No. She was too busy swapping gossip and classified information with Clinton loyalist Sidney Blumenthal.

Finally in a crushing afterword, Byrne exclaims:

Over a twenty-nine-year career serving my country in the military and in federal law enforcement, I’ve encountered both heroes and villains.

I’ve observed human character at its greatest heights and lowest depths. In any organization, character is defined at the top; it percolates down to the top executives of an organization, to the middle managers, and to the grunts at the front lines.

Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. So I must speak out.

Perhaps this sums up best what America would have to look forward to… “The Clintons treat running the free world like a damn part-time job.” (For more from the author of “Hillary Campaign Rocked by Secret Service Agent Book Exposing Clintons’ Dirty Laundry” please click HERE)

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