Federal Informant Admits Working for the Left During 2010 US Senate Handcuffing: “I was working for you, you sons of bitches, and nobody knew it”

The liberal Huffington Post reported today that Bill Fulton, the individual responsible for the handcuffing of the Alaska Dispatch editor Tony Hopfinger at a Joe Miller for US Senate event, “was a federal informant at the same time.”

And, as it turns out, Fulton was also masquerading as a conservative the whole time, not only while volunteering for Joe Miller, but while acting as the campaign manager for rightwing lieutenant governor candidate Eddie Burke as well.

Fulton told the Huffington Post that he was a real honest-to-goodness liberal, bragging that he not only voted for Obama – twice – but that also, “he was working for you [the liberal press], you sons of bitches, and nobody knew it.”

And it appears Fulton is continuing his leftwing jihad. He claims that Miller wore a bullet proof vest the night of his primary victory because he “was a paranoid guy with a bunch of guys with guns that like to hang out with him.” What Fulton leaves out is that he followed Miller around at convention central, warning him of threats against him and insisted that Miller put on Fulton’s personal vest.

Fulton concludes his interview saying that his federal informant business is “booming this year because of Obama and gun control, man. If you look at the right wing, the growth in the militia organizations, the growth in the border organizations, the amount of firearms, the type of rhetoric that is now used, we have a major issue.”