Savage: Civil War has Started, Obama May Arm U.S. Gangs for Race War [+video]

Photo Credit: WND

Photo Credit: WND

Warning of a coming race war, talk-radio host Michael Savage, appearing as a guest on Alex Jones “Infowars” program Monday, said President Obama would deputize and arm gang members such as the “Crips and the Bloods” to keep order in American streets.

“Remember my last book, ‘Stop the Coming Civil War’? Guess what. It started,” said Savage.

“Has there been a civil war? Yeah, it’s a slow-burning civil war. What do you think we are looking at here? It’s a race war. These are their shock troops, they don’t have the brown shirts yet, they don’t have the armbands, but soon Obama could deputize them. Isn’t that a natural army for him, Alex? Take the Crips and the Bloods, give them a green uniform and give them a weapon and they’ll keep order in the streets. Won’t they?”

Savage’s vision is not unlike that sparked by critics of then-candidate Obama’s plan, announced at a 2008 appearance in Colorado Springs, to create a “civilian national security force.”

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we set,” Obama said at the time. “We’ve got have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” (Read more from “Savage: Obama May Arm U.S. Gangs for Race War” HERE)

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