Biden: W.H. Readies 19 Executive Actions On Gun Control
Even Democrats who back gun control concede that reinstating an assault weapons ban — the 1994 law expired in 2004 — will be a heavy lift for the White House.
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Even Democrats who back gun control concede that reinstating an assault weapons ban — the 1994 law expired in 2004 — will be a heavy lift for the White House.
Before we allow the Opportunist-in-Chief to politicize yet another tragedy and grab our guns, it would be instructive to watch this video about how gun control has worked out for the people of Australia.
CEI’s Chris Horner Says Agency Has ‘Gone Bunker’ Over Growing Richard Windsor Scandal. Read more . . .
This phony triangulation theme has been a hallmark of Republican politicians trying to convince their voters that they’re not just doing what the Democrats want them to do.
“I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over . . .” Watch more from Rand Paul’s interview . . .
Some beneficiaries who see local Prime coverage end will be able to enroll in a remaining Prime network near base. To do so they would have to reside less than 100 miles from that exiting network and would have to waive the driving-distance standard that TRICARE imposes for patient safety.
Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person – much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.
Preventing votes on the larger proposals to cut back the size of the bill reveals the ongoing split within the Republican Party about whether disaster aid should be off set.
Petty party bureaucrats have invested in a hierarchical system of patronage and payback where party power has become the end in itself. The principles of the party and the will of the party’s voting membership have become inconveniences.
This video has gotten millions of hits over the last week. It is an inspirational story that apparently dates back to 1778 that we encourage you to watch.