Obama Wrong Again: Unemployment Now Even Higher Than What He Predicted Without $800 Billion Stimulus
If the latest unemployment numbers mean anything, things aren’t looking good for the President.
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But we are proud to say that Joe Miller contributed 34331 entries already.
If the latest unemployment numbers mean anything, things aren’t looking good for the President.
In this must-see Faith Family Freedom Fund video, the shocking rants of a ‘gay’ activist – directly backed by Obama – are presented in a rapid fire, high impact presentation.
In yet another blow to privacy and the Fourth Amendment, federal court sides with Justice Department on police use of concealed surveillance cameras on private property.
The majority of NHS hospitals in England are being given financial rewards for placing terminally-ill patients on a controversial “pathway” to death. Is America Next?
Continued unrest in Egypt leaves future of the Middle East in doubt. Will radical Islam win the day?
Temperatures plummeted and tension soared in the Northeast as gasoline supplies continued to dwindle despite furious efforts to bring in fuel. Sandy’s death toll reached 100, and New York called off its famous marathon, despite the mayor’s protestations that it should have taken place as scheduled, as a symbol of resolve.
Granted, Koshik the elephant doesn’t have a large vocabulary. But scientists have confirmed that the 5.5-ton behemoth can imitate five Korean words by speaking through his trunk. See him speak here.
We have a great opportunity this year to stop the progressive agenda that has dominated our state for the past four years and has been strangling the dreams and economy of the Interior.
I know that many conservatives don’t like talking about the politics of sex and how our country has now normalized perversion. But it’s precisely due to this passivity that we’re now at a point where I have to worry about my kids being exposed to sickos in public restrooms.
Because of mounting danger, the U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. Find out what the State Department knew about the threats here.