Entries by Joe Miller

Outrage: Obama using drones to spy on farmers’ EPA compliance

News the EPA is conducting surveillance on farmers goes against our grain. Freedom means freedom of movement and the presumption of innocence. How can we have it if every move is monitored by government? Nebraska’s congressional delegation sent a justifiably angry letter to Administrator Lisa Jackson last week complaining that her Environmental Protection Agency had […]

State Dept. Highlights Transsexual Ethicist to Celebrate LGBT ‘Pride Month’

The U.S. State Department is highlighting “Pride Month” on its website with a link to President Barack Obama’s proclamation about June’s designation as the month to celebrate homosexuality and by posting profiles of department personnel who are gay, lesbian and transsexual, including an Obama political appointee whom the department describes as a transsexual who has […]

Tea Party Pushes Walker to Decisive Victory

“36% of voters were Tea Party, 93% cast their ballot for Walker” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker retained his seat in the election that sought to recall him from office, defeating his challenger Tom Barrett in this election (as he did in the 2010 governor’s race). Walker won with strong support from Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party […]

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, the Earth is Now Cooling

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue […]