Entries by Joe Miller

Heritage: Murkowski most liberal RINO in Senate

(By the Portland Press Herald): Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine are among the three least conservative Senate Republicans, according to a legislative scorecard released today by the conservative Heritage Action for America, which is affiliated with the Heritage Foundation, a Washington think tank. Collins received a rating of 45 percent and Snowe […]

Obama Administration: Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is offering advice to parents and teens about sex education, including assurances that teens may “experiment” with homosexuality as part of “exploring their own sexuality,” and that masturbation should be of concern only “if a child seems preoccupied with it to the exclusion of other activities.” […]

Maxine Waters: ‘The tea party can go straight to hell’

(by The Dailey Caller):  So much for dialing back the rhetoric, right? On Saturday in Inglewood, Calif., Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters had some harsh words for the tea party. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments […]

Obama to ignore law again & not deport illegal aliens

By Stephen Dinan (Washington Times):  The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria such as attending school, having family in the military or are primarily responsible for other family members’ care. The move, announced in letters to Congress, won immediate praise […]

The Deflationary M2 Explosion

By Larry Kudlow (NRO):  Amidst the financial flight-wave to safety, with stocks plunging, gold soaring, and Treasury bond rates collapsing — and all the European banking fears which go with that — there’s an important sub-theme developing: An almost-forgotten monetary indicator, M2, which is mostly cash, demand-deposit checking accounts, savings deposits, and retail money-market funds, […]

In Wake of Debt Ceiling Crisis, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Wants to Scrap Constitution

By Joe Miller.  Fareed Zakaria, the Indian-born CNN commentator, has suggested that because of the debt ceiling crisis, the U.S. Constitution should be scrapped in favor of a European-style of parliamentary governance.  In his August 17 column, “Does America Need a Prime Minister,” he writes: “After the S&P downgrade of the United States, no country […]

Joe Miller Wears the Waders of a Legal Fisherman

By Thomas Lamb (Red County): Last week, the saga of Senator Murkowski’s ex-aide Arne Fuglvog came to a close when Fuglvog had his day in court: Alaskan fisheries adviser guilty of $100,000 in illegal fishing. It’s too bad the reporters in the media still have not mentioned the documents obtained through a FOIA request that […]

Unfit for Service?

As Research Director and Senior Policy Adviser to Joe Miller for US Senate, I had a front-row seat for an extraordinary piece of Alaska history.  Central to the drama of one of the most hotly contested campaigns in recent memory was an incident that happened more than two years before the campaign even commenced.  Joe […]

“Extraordinary Reversal”: Moody’s nearly halves GDP forecast, QE3 on horizon

By Peter Schroeder (Hill.com): Citing an “extraordinary reversal of fortune,” Moody’s Analytics on Monday significantly lowered its hopes for the nation’s economy through 2011, nearly halving its expectations for growth over the next six months. Recent drama on the economic front, headlined by the debt-limit drama that led to an unprecedented downgrade of the nation’s […]