Entries by Joe Miller

Center for Military Readiness blasts Marine Corps’ description of two males embracing & kissing as “typical”

A Marine official’s description of a photograph of two males hugging and kissing at a base in Hawaii as “typical” is making the United States military look ridiculous, charges the head of the Center for Military Readiness, which argues for making the military more of a fighting force and less a social experiment. The image […]

Washington Times: Sheriff Joe Arpaio says Obama’s birth certificate is a “forgery”

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Thursday he suspects the birth certificate President Obama released last year is a “computer-generated forgery” — and also raised questions about the authenticity of the president’s Selective Service card. “Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents […]

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s press conference on Obama’s eligibility attracting AP, Reuters, NBC, CBS, ABC, many other media outlets

Poll after poll in recent months has indicated that Americans have a high level of concern over Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, with one poll showing fully half of the nation wants Congress to investigate the question. But reporters for the traditional media – networks, major newspapers, major news corporations and conglomerates – mostly […]

Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Receive $750k Soccer Field while Obama cuts Military Health Benefits

Accused terrorists at Guantanamo Bay will be getting a brand new $750,000 soccer field. This news comes the same day that the Pentagon is talking about where to cut billions of dollars from the defense budget. Chief Intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reported from Guantanamo Bay with more on this story. She said earlier today after […]

NBC Reports Quran Burnings Latest in ‘Long Line of Insults’ to Afghanistan by U.S.

Reporting on violent protests in Afghanistan following accidental Quran burnings for Monday’s NBC Today, correspondent Atia Abawi declared the incident “…follows a long line of insults that has intensified the public outrage towards the U.S., including last year’s intentional burning of a Koran by a pastor in Florida and the video of U.S. Marines urinating […]