Entries by Joe Miller

Target “Attacking Traditional Marriage,” Selling Shirts to Defeat Gay Marriage Ban

Two years after Target Corp. angered gay marriage supporters with a political donation that benefited a gay-marriage opponent seeking the governor’s office, the retailer is now upsetting same-sex marriage opponents by selling T-shirts to raise money for a group working to defeat a gay marriage ban in Minnesota. The Minneapolis-based retailer is taking heat in […]

NAACP rejects black Americans’ views on morality, endorses gay marriage as a “civil right”

In a move that some called historic, the county’s oldest African American civil rights group voted Saturday to endorse same-sex marriage. The National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People passed a resolution supporting gay marriage at a meeting of its board of directors in Miami, saying it opposed any policy or legislative initiative that […]

WSJ: China exporting “human flesh capsules” containing remains of aborted infants

Since August, Korean authorities have discovered nearly 17,500 of the human flesh capsules in the luggage of tourists and in international mail, the state-run Korea Customs service said in a statement Monday. The pills, disguised as performance enhancement drugs, have been smuggled in by ethnic Koreans living in northern Chinese cities and contain so-called super […]

Teleconference Tonight: The Real Story on the AK GOP Party Leadership Change with Chair-elect Millette & Joe Miller

  May 10, 2012.  The national media has recently reported on the significant leadership changes within the Alaska Republican Party as well as the vigorous protest of Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Wyoming’s Sen. John Barrasso at the ARP annual  convention.  Please join Party Chairman-elect Russ Millette and Joe Miller in a discussion about what happened […]

Obama’s ‘Life of Julia’ is the wrong vision for America

Last week, President Obama’s campaign launched a fictional storybook ad called, “The Life of Julia.” The slide show narrative follows Julia, a cartoon character, from age 3 to age 67 and explains how Obama’s policies, from Head Start to Obamacare to mandated contraception coverage to Medicare reform, would provide Julia with a better life than […]

Tea Party ousts Senator Lugar . . . and Indiana’s sore loser law prevents write-in

A Tea Party-backed candidate on Tuesday ended the 36-year career of Indiana’s Republican Sen. Richard Lugar, extending a stream of victories by hard-core conservatives in GOP primaries and caucuses. Lugar lost to GOP State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who told MSNBC a week ago:  “To the charge that there’s a special interest group that’s been supporting […]