Fearing Sarah Palin
Two words, seemingly harmless until recently. Palin had no meaning at all before 2008. Not so, today.
Today, those same words strike fear and hatred into the hearts of the Main Stream Media, progressive liberals, and America’s enemies around the world.
Why? What is it about Sarah Palin that makes them so crazy? How can they continue to attack when they themselves have been proven wrong by her, over and over, and the country as a whole recognizes the stupidity and inherent misogynistic unfairness of their desperate attacks against her and her family?
It’s easy. It is the same virulent bias the left attacks any black person with, if they should become successful without government handouts, or, gasp, become a conservative.
They hate her because she does not need them, period. They need her, and that offends them. They think it is up to them to direct the path of politicians and the country as a whole. They will decide the issues, and to whom we should listen and for whom we should vote.
Read More at Coach Is Right By Ron Reale, Coach Is Right