The RNC’s ‘change direction’ deception
Some Republicans, and not just those supporting Mitt Romney for president, have questioned my “Stop Romney” campaign, announced by the Western Representation PAC several weeks ago. Given the likelihood that Romney will be the GOP’s next nominee, they believe my work will ultimately hurt Republicans’ efforts to retake the White House in 2012.
My perspective is that another Bush-like presidency, particularly in terms of big government growth, would be devastating to the country. We’d be in the same bankrupt position that another four years of Obama would bring us. If we’re going to avoid the catastrophes lurking around the corner, more of the same – even with a Republican label – is not the answer.
Some of my critics don’t understand that many in the GOP have played an active role in our nation’s self-destruction. We’ll call these the “ill-informed followers.” Others fully recognize that Republicans have been in the driver’s seat during much of our drive toward socialism, but they and their cronies enjoy the fruits of this largesse. These are the “crony capitalists.” Still others are simply progressives who see the Republican Party as yet another means of imposing their leftist vision on the U.S. and the world at large. They are the RINOs – Republicans in Name Only.
Of course, there are varying shades and mixtures of the above players. For example, even where a Republican, like Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, is driven by a progressive agenda that includes support for federal funding to Planned Parenthood, homosexuals in the military, activist judges and internationalism, she finds herself surrounded by the crony capitalists: multibillion dollar Alaska Native Corporations that directly benefit from Murkowski’s vigorous support for their no-bid federal contracting.
I have little to say to these crony capitalists and progressives who dominate the leadership of the GOP; they are a lost cause and will continue to support establishment incumbents over constitutional conservatives trying to rescue the country. In future battles, they will always pick a Murkowski and a Reid over a Miller and an Angle. Consequently, my energies are focused on reaching the ill-informed patriots who, by their vote, literally allow these destructive forces to remain in power.
Read the rest of this article at World Net Daily here.