Obama’s 2012 strategy: Fear, Fraud and a cowardly Republican

With little more than a year remaining before the 2012 vote, even the hyper-arrogant Barack Obama must be getting a bit edgy about his dwindling chances of re-election.

Three years ago, mouthing vacuous speeches and making vacant promises, Obama lied, schemed and intimidated his way into the White House while his campaign committee of left wing journalists provided critical cover for personal and political histories which would have doomed the candidate had they seeped through the wall of media silence.

But although Obama could be presented as a relatively “unknown quantity” prior to the 2008 election and depend upon media lackeys to fill in the blanks with predictably glowing reports of towering intellect and limitless ability, those days are now gone.

For as this radical leftist’s Regime has displayed deep red colors from day one, renewed claims of post-racial harmony, a moderate political agenda or murky, feel-good screeds about hope and change will not sell this time around to any but the most rabid of the Obama base.

After all, though much of the public may know nothing of the White House inspired Solyndra and Fast and Furious scandals or the $3 trillion Obama has added to the national debt, voters do understand 10% unemployment and $4.00 per gallon gasoline.

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 Read More at Coach Is Right By Doug Book, Coach Is Right