Founding the Flea Party
It’s clear that the Democrats have “party envy,” even as they cast sneering glances at the Tea Party, which everyone assumes to be a primarily Republican organization. With the recent formation of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, some Dems are beginning to see the possibilities of having their own Tea Party-like organization in the hapless shlubs protesting against America’s billionaires.
In the past few days President Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have all weighed in with sympathetic noises about OWS’s aims. Obama stated that he understood where they were coming from, being unemployed and all, while those evil billionaires refused to pay “their fair share” of taxes. Biden claimed that Wall Street has broken “the contract” with the American people, implying that the Street’s greed is responsible for the current economic malaise, while the billionaires’ best friends, the Republicans are blocking the creation of 1.9 million new private sector jobs through opposition to the president’s “Jobs Bill.”
As such, to many top Democrats the OWS crew looks like a winning candidate as the answer to the Tea Party. Except that it isn’t. The Tea Party is comprised of working Americans who want the government to get out of their faces. They are advocates for smaller governments with less spending and more mindful of the Constitution.
OWS, on the other hand, is largely comprised of neutered, over-educated and useless losers, many of whom don’t even know why they’re demonstrating, except that it might wind up somehow providing them with free stuff. Those few “intellectuals” in the OWS crowd who have bothered to articulate some end results can generously be deemed an embarrassment, because their ideas consist largely of warmed over Marxist pap that’s gone out of vogue around the globe, except in places like Venezuela and North Korea. Oh yes, and in the White House as well. And when they aren’t espousing socialist pabulum, they betray a monumental lack of understanding of how the world works, as seen in their demand that all debt be forgiven.
If the Dems do somehow manage to organize this rabble into some sort of coherent organization, I recommend the name “Flea Party” because it has a catchy ring to it, as well as being representative of the organization’s substance.
Flea Party, because their ideas are reminiscent of a flea market or garage sale where you can get old stuff cheap.
Flea Party, because their public presence is akin to a flea circus complete with flea freaks and flea clowns.
Flea Party, because their outdated worldview is evocative of an old, mangy, flea-bitten dog whose best days are long in the past.
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Read More at Canada Free Press By Klaus Rohrich, Canada Free Press