Joe Miller’s Thanksgiving Message
Today, most Americans will enjoy the holiday with family and friends, briefly pausing to give thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Although we are truly thankful for what we have, most of us take food and other basic necessities for granted. This is no surprise given the fact that few 21st century Americans have gone without such things for long periods of time. We also tend to take our national stability for granted. Other than our heroic veterans, our citizens have never suffered the calamity of warfare. For the most part, Americans have enjoyed unparalleled peace, prosperity and security for the last generation. We live in the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth.
During our Founders’ first Thanksgivings, things were a bit different: the day was a time of serious reflection, in some cases fasting, and thanks for the blessings of harvest that could make the difference between surviving a harsh winter or starvation. Life was, frankly, brutal. The average life span was less than half that of today. Original American settlements had an unbelievably high mortality rate due to disease, starvation, and hostilities.
Out of these extreme sacrifices arose a Republic with bountiful resources, beautiful landscapes, and exceptional people. Despite some anti-US sentiment abroad, Americans are still seen as the most generous, caring people in the world. I think this charity is a consequence of our beginnings where Providence carried us through our most difficult times, ultimately supplying extraordinary blessings.
We should never take any of this for granted. Not only should the lens of Thanksgiving provide us with an opportunity to contemplate our exceptional circumstances vis-à-vis the rest of the world, it should also remind us of the sacrifices made by those who have gone before us. We should be motivated to do everything we can to preserve the foundational values recognized by our Constitution. And we must be truly thankful to God for the present peace, freedom, and stability of our land. Happy Thanksgiving!
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