Emails: ATF ‘Sting’ Just An Excuse For Gun Control

While most mainstream media outlets have refused to report on this, newly uncovered emails show that one of the aims, if not the chief aim, of Operation Fast and Furious was to forward an anti-gun agenda.

Operation Fast and Furious was a failed sting operation by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. If you don’t know what Fast and Furious is, blame the media and its reluctance to cover complicated stories that paint Democrats and other leftists in a bad light. Apparently, old-fashioned hard-hitting journalism is not worth the effort unless it taints a conservative.

Because of this, most people will never know there might actually be something more nefarious to the scheme than just a poorly planned and executed sting operation. In fact, it might not even have been a sting operation at all but rather a veiled attempt to further restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

The ATF, in 2009 and 2010, encouraged gun dealers to sell more than 2,000 guns, mostly AK-47s and .50-caliber rifles, to smugglers. The idea, ostensibly, was to catch the “big fish” and to stem the flow of illegal weapons into Mexico.

This plan was so colossally stupid that even a government bureaucrat should have recognized it as such.

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 Read More at Floyd Reports By Thomas J. Lucente, Jr.,