Chris Matthews: Rush Limbaugh Could Be the Next Don Imus in the Wake of ‘Sluts’ Comment
MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Thursday connected Don Imus’s firing in the wake of the “nappy-headed hos” remark to Rush Limbaugh, hinting that the conservative commentator could face similar problems for referring to “sluts” who “must be paid to have sex.” (MSNBC, of course, is no stranger to contorversial comments. One anchor on the network recently compared Rick Santorum to mass murderer Joseph Stalin.)
Matthews played a clip of Limbaugh’s comments, made after college student Sandra Fluke testified before Congress on the issue of birth control.
The anchor linked the two radio hosts: “You know, this cost Don Imus a lot of career, you know? A lot of career, this kind of talk. Calling people sluts, whores. This kind of stuff.” [MP3 audio here.]
Matthews brought on Democratic strategist Steve McMahon to trash the host. McMahon derided Limbaugh as sounding “like a vile, disgusting pervert who had come completely unglued on the radio.”
Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele piled on: “And I think in this instance, I think a lot of people have a problem with [the comments]… And I think in this particular case, that line has been crossed.”
Read More at Media Research Center By Scott Whitlock, Media Research Center