After 16 Months of Letters, Reports and Subpoenas, Will We Ever Get Truth on Fast and Furious?

House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy joined Rep. Darrell Issa last week to once again demand Attorney General Eric Holder come clean about his involvement in Operation Fast and Furious.

The Republican leadership signed a May 18 letter asking more questions of the US Attorney General who has refused to provide subpoenaed documents to congressional investigators. The back-and-forth correspondence over the past 16 months may in the end provide a useful record of an Obama administration program which led to hundreds of murders. But for now the letters are little more than posturing by befuddled Republicans.

While we recognize that the Department has provided some documents in response to some aspects of the October 11, 2011, subpoena from the Chairman of the Oversight & Government Reform Committee (“the Committee”), two key questions remain unanswered: first, who on your leadership team was informed of the reckless tactics used in Fast & Furious prior to Agent Terry’s murder; and, second, did your leadership team mislead or misinform Congress in response to a Congressional subpoena?

We firmly believe and hope that you agree that a mutually acceptable resolution to this matter may yet be achieved. The Terry family deserves to know the truth about the circumstances that led to Agent Terry’s murder. The whistle-blowers who brought these issues to light deserve to be protected, not intimidated, by their government.

I’m tempted to agree with a blog commenter who suggested we wad up all of the letters sent to date and “ping them off Holder’s forehead.” It might not get results but it sure would be cathartic.

Read More at American Thinker. By M. Catharine Evans.

Photo Credit: The Aspen Institute (Creative Commons)