Alaska’s primary election: One of the most important in the history of our state, page 2
Menard’s challenger is Mike Dunleavy. Dunleavy is a strong contrast to Menard. The headline “head and shoulders above the rest” is a great description of Mike Dunleavy, being not only tall in stature but also in conservative thought and principled action. Dunleavy started as a teacher in the North West Arctic School District, and worked his way up to being the Superintendant. He was the Chair of Governor Parnell’s education transition team. He is the current Mat Su District School Board President and is an advocate for competition in education, including home schools and private schools. Dunleavy has also owned and operated a private consulting business. He has successfully managed large organizations and large budgets. Dunleavy has provided conservative leadership to the School Board and has honorably served.
Dunleavy is unapologetically conservative and will bring conservative leadership to the Senate. He will not support democratic control of the Senate. Dunleavy is recognized for his thoughtful approach to solving problems and knows that Alaska needs more oil in the pipeline to avoid a mid 1980’s or worst crash. Dunleavy has a plan to restore fish to Valley streams, and is an avid hunter and outdoorsman. He has a small ranch North of Wasilla in the foothills of the Talkeetna Range and owns mules and a horse. Mike has the endorsement of Alaska Right to Life because his strong pro-life views. Menard, while personally pro-life, supported the Democratic Senate Leadership (Senator Hollis French) that kills any and all pro-life legislation. Dunleavy also enjoys the endorsement of the Valley’s Conservative Patriots Group and the Outdoor Council for his pro-hunting advocacy. Mike Dunleavy is the genuine article when it comes to being a true conservative Republican.
Another interesting race is between Rep. Wes Keller and former Houston Mayor Roger Purcell. Wes Keller is a proven solid conservative and carried a strong conservative agenda in the House. He has endorsement of many conservative groups, including Outdoor Council, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Legislator of the Year, National Federation of Independent Businessmen-Legislator of the Year, Right to Life, the NRA and the Conservative Patriots Group.
Keller is an unassuming public servant, and prefers to work quietly without bringing attention to himself. He effectively serves as the Health and Social Services Chairman, a committee that oversees the state agency with the biggest budget. This committee is very, very important but rarely gets attention of the press. Keller also serves as the Chair of the Citizens Advisory Commission on Federal Areas, an official watchdog group that holds the federal land managers accountable. He also serves on the Alaska Healthcare Commission. Keller is recognized as a thoughtful, intelligent and committed conservative in the House.
Continue HERE for Page 3.