Alaska Republican Party Resolution to Censure Senator Lisa Murkowski
At the Alaska Republican Party State Convention earlier this year, a Resolution to Censure Senator Lisa Murkowski was proposed but not voted on because the outgoing ARP Chairman Randy Ruedrich adjourned the convention early. Later, the same Chairman discouraged delegates from attending the reconvened state convention so that a quorum would not be reached. Again, the censure resolution was not considered. Finally, at the most recent SCC Meeting in Fairbanks on September 22, 2012, the meeting was again adjourned prematurely leaving the censure resolution without a vote.
Here is the language of the controversial censure resolution:
Resolution To Censure Senator Lisa Murkowski
WHEREAS Lisa Murkowski has showed especial contempt for the Alaska Republican Party Electorate by expressly promising and subsequently breaking her word to support the winner of the 2010 Alaska Republican Primary Election for US Senate; and
WHEREAS she sought re-election in 2010 as an independent write-in candidate after losing the Republican primary; and
WHEREAS she actively campaigned against, and maliciously attacked, the Republican Nominee; and
WHEREAS she has aligned herself with the AFL-CIO, NEA, Planned Parenthood, Public Employee Unions, and other Democrat special interest groups; and
WHEREAS support of these left-wing special interest groups cannot be reconciled with the ideals and values of the Alaska Republican Party, nor with the best interests of the people of Alaska; and
WHEREAS during the 2010 general election Lisa Murkowski demonstrated a dishonesty and duplicity not in keeping with Republican Party values; and
WHEREAS these actions exhibit an extraordinary disloyalty to the Alaska Republican Party and Electorate without which her career as an elected official would never have been possible; and
WHEREAS Senator Murkowski was the only “Republican” to vote for every major piece of President Barack Obama’s 2010 “lame duck” agenda; and
WHEREAS she has subsequently obstructed Republican attempts at reform, and supported numerous policy positions opposed to the Alaska Republican Party Platform;
Therefore, be it hereby resolved, that we, the delegates of the 2012 Alaska Republican State Convention publicly censure and repudiate the words and actions of Senator Lisa Murkowski, and revoke her Republican privileges until she publicly apologizes and pledges to never campaign against the Republican nominee again and to cease and desist supporting parts of President Obama’s agenda that are in opposition to our Republican values and Platform.