Video: Obama Surrogate – Voters Probably Won’t Care About Benghazi, But They Do About Bin Laden

In an outrageous statement yesterday, Obama surrogate Representative Donna Edwards stated that US voters may not care about Benghazi, but they certainly care about bin Laden.

The other members of the CNN panel reacted incredulously to her comment.

The comments online were ruthless.

One person wrote, “The Democrats are banking on Americans’ stupidity.”

Another, “The week before, he skipped his intelligence briefings. When he did receive notice of the coming embassy attack, Obama did nothing. No warnings, no alerts, no lock-down, no protection, no US Marines. NOTHING. Four Americans dead, classified documents stolen, safe houses compromised, yet Obama still campaigned. As the ambassador’s body was dragged through the streets, Obama partied then had a good night’s sleep. There is no doubt: Barack Obama has blood on his hands.”