Brave New Creed: ‘No Country for Old (White) Men’
Democrat experts declare that laughable old coots are the natural core of the Republican Party, so one need only join the cool leftist majority and leave Grandpa in his kitchen chair to mutter to himself until death shuts him up for good. Republican experts, as the reluctant stewards of these cantankerous fogies, are more circumspect: they merely want to leave Grandpa ranting in the corner with his talk radio shows, while they attend to the urgent business of selling off his prized possessions (e.g. property rights, national sovereignty).
On one side we have the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Paul Krugman types haughtily declaring that the Democrats are the party of women and minorities, and the Republicans the party of old white men. See how colorful, female, and young we look? See how monotonously white and graying they look?
On the other side we have campaign strategist Steve Schmidt, ACU chairman Al Cardenas, and others declaring that “Rush Limbaugh’s audience” should be ignored as a bunch of old white men who (apparently for that very reason) no longer represent America. Since when is “representing America” a matter of head counts and demographics, rather than of principles? Such thinking seems reasonable only to men who have lost the forest of encroaching leftist authoritarianism for the trees of electoral victory. (See how well their Constitution Fire Sale method has worked out so far!)
This mocking, bitter dismissal of the mature white male is a nearly poetic symbol — as if we needed another one — of the degraded state of civilization. Old men — whether white, black, olive, yellow, or red — have traditionally been regarded as the sage voices in their communities with regard to matters of public policy and private virtue. Having seen more, learned from mistakes, and grown weary of youth’s careless chasing after the chimerical “new,” they have commonly been appreciated as a steady source of common sense and moral rectitude. Age may not necessarily bring genuine wisdom, but it has traditionally served an invaluable function in humanity’s natural system of checks and balances: it casts a skeptical eye upon youth’s grand designs, thus raining on the often misguided parade of “progress.”
Read more from this story HERE.