UFC Suspends MMA Fighter Who Criticized Sex-Changed Man Who Fought Women
You really can’t make this stuff up. In the most recent iteration of ‘America gone wild,’ a man who impregnated his girlfriend at the age of 17, married, and then joined the Navy, later decided he was really a woman.
To make the outside match the inside, he left the Navy and then traveled to Bangkok, Thailand in 2006 where he underwent the knife in several gender reassignment, breast augmentation, and hair transplant surgeries. He named himself “Fallon Fox.”
He is now fighting as a woman in the UFC. Unfortunately for his original opponents, they didn’t know about his past.
In this clip, Fallon brutally knocks out his female opponent with a powerful knee to the head, just 39 seconds after entering the ring:
This didn’t set well with some long-time UFC participants. One, ringside announcer Joe Rogan, complained:
She wants to be able to fight women in MMA? I say no f***ing way. I say if you had a d**k at one point in time, you also have all the bone structure that comes with having a d**k. You have bigger hands, you have bigger shoulder joints. You’re a f***ing man. That’s a man, OK? …I don’t care if you don’t have a d**k any more.
Although Rogan’s distinctly un-PC statement does not appear to have been career ending for him, NFL player Matt Mitrione’s outrage earned him an indefinite suspension from the UFC:
“She’s not a he. He’s a he,” Mitrione said. “He’s chromosomally a man. He had a gender change, not a sex change. He’s still a man. He was a man for 31 years. Thirty-one years. That’s a couple years younger than I am. He’s a man. Six years of taking performance de-hancing drugs, you think is going to change all that? That’s ridiculous.
“That is a lying, sick, sociopathic, disgusting freak,” he continued. “And I mean that. Because you lied on your license to beat up women. That’s disgusting. You should be embarrassed yourself. And the fact that Florida licensed him because California licensed him or whoever the hell did it, it’s an embarrassment to us as fighters, as a sport, and we all should protest that. The woman that’s fighting him, props to you. I hope you beat his ass, and I hope he gets blackballed and never fights again, because that’s disgusting and I’m appalled by that.”
The reaction from the UFC was almost immediate:
“The UFC was appalled by the transphobic comments made by heavyweight Matt Mitrione today in an interview on ‘The MMA Hour.’
The organization finds Mr. Mitrione’s comments offensive and wholly unacceptable and – as a direct result of this significant breach of the UFC’s code of conduct – Mr. Mitrione’s UFC contract has been suspended and the incident is being investigated.
The UFC is a friend and ally of the LGBT community, and expects and requires all 450 of its athletes to treat others with dignity and respect.”
Yes, it’s an upside down world.
The reaction of UFC has drawn a flurry of responses from common sense folk on the web, like this articulate young lady:
We can only hope that most Americans think the same.