Muslim Brotherhood “Takes the High Road,” Accuses General Al-Sisi of Being a Secret Jew

Photo Credit: frontpagemag

Photo Credit: frontpagemag

By Daniel Greenfield.

To recap the Arab Spring Secret Jew Front, everyone from Assad to Mubarak to Gaddafi to Ahmadinejad were accused of really being Jews. Because that is how politics in the Muslim world works.

Now it’s General Al-Sisi’s turn to be accused of being a secret Jew.

Following are excerpts from a statement made by Gamal Nassar, former media secretary to the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, which aired on the Al-Jazeera network on August 17, 2013.

Gamal Nassar: I was trying to figure out Al-Sisi’s origins. I wanted to know more about him. I was surprised to learn, from the Algerian Al-Watan newspaper, that Al-Sisi is of Jewish origin. His mother is called Mulaika Titani, and her brother was a member of the Jewish Haganah organization. Thus, we see that this man, by any standard, is implementing a Zionist plan to divide Egypt.

That sounds fascinating Gamal, where can our readers get more information about this?

This is a Zionist plot, and I am willing to be held responsible for what I say. Whoever reads The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the writings of [the Jews], including those who were writing in the U.S., realizes that this plot was premeditated.

Read more from this story HERE.


Photo Credit: Ozan Kose | AFP | Getty Images

Photo Credit: Ozan Kose | AFP | Getty Images

How a US Push to Defuse Egypt Ended in Failure

By David D. Kirkpatrick, Peter Baker and Michael R. Gordon.

For a moment, at least, American and European diplomats trying to defuse the volatile standoff in Egypt thought they had a breakthrough.

As thousands of Islamist supporters of the ousted president, Mohamed Morsi, braced for a crackdown by the military-imposed government, a senior European diplomat, Bernardino León, told the Islamists of ”indications” from the leadership that within hours it would free two imprisoned opposition leaders. In turn, the Islamists had agreed to reduce the size of two protest camps by about half.

An hour passed, and nothing happened. Another hour passed, and still no one had been released.

The Americans heightened the pressure. Two senators visiting Cairo, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, met with Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, the officer who ousted Mr. Morsi and appointed the new government, and the interim prime minister, Hazem el-Beblawi, and pushed for the release of the two prisoners. But the Egyptians brushed them off.

”You could tell people were itching for a fight,” Mr. Graham recalled in an interview. ”The prime minister was a disaster. He kept preaching to me: ‘You can’t negotiate with these people. They’ve got to get out of the streets and respect the rule of law.’ I said: ‘Mr. Prime Minister, it’s pretty hard for you to lecture anyone on the rule of law. How many votes did you get? Oh, yeah, you didn’t have an election.’ ”

Read more from this story HERE.