Steve Forbes: Obamacare Website Rollout ‘Incompetent From Top to Bottom’

Photo Credit: Reuters/Landov By Andrea Billups and Kathleen Walter.

Publisher Steve Forbes minces no words when it comes to placing blame for over the disastrous website rollout by the Obama administration for its sweeping healthcare program.

“It’s incompetence from top to bottom,” Forbes told Newsmax in an exclusive interview Friday as Democrats continued to jump ship amid 2014 election fears and as the administration scrambled to fix a website that has kept untold thousands from registering from federally required health insurance.

“It starts with the top — with the president — and then everyone in the chain of command, including [HHS] Secretary [Kathleen] Sebelius,” said Forbes, publisher and editor-in-chief of his namesake magazine. “Everyone knew that there were going to be problems and then something as complex as this, you have to bird-dog it every step of the way.

“Clearly no one was in charge. They just let it contract and just hoped things would work out.”

Moving forward, Forbes, who sought the Republican White House nomination in 1996 and 2000, shares the views of a growing bipartisan group in Washington and around the nation that the healthcare program should be postponed.

Read more from this story HERE.


NY Times: Obama Deserves an ‘F’ on

By John Sexton.

Princeton economics professor Uwe E. Reinhardt gives President Obama a letter grade on the roll out:

President Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. How would he have graded a student’s performance on, say, a term paper or test that the professor viewed as “unacceptable,” especially when there was “no excuse” for the paper’s deficiencies?

One would hope that the grade would have been F, even under modern grade inflation. I certainly would affix that grade to such inexcusably deficient work.

Reinhardt finds it incredible that the President was left out of the loop (as Sec. Sebelius has claimed). If true, he thinks this is one of the worst aspects of the overall failure:

As someone who has lectured on corporate governance and served on corporate boards, I find Secretary Sebelius’s statement astounding. Is this how the project was managed? They knew the Web site was not working and yet decided to go ahead with it anyway, without the president’s personal O.K. for so strategic and risky a decision?

Read more from this story HERE.