Agent Warns of Ongoing Threat of “Nearly Unguarded Northern Border”
Photo Credit: Townhall Where does the greatest threat from terrorists trying to enter the U.S. come from? If you guessed the Southwest Border you’d be wrong. According to National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, it’s the U.S.-Canada border.
“For the most part, when discussions on border security arise, the conversation tends to focus on the Southwest border,” he said before a House committee hearing on Wednesday. “In no way do I want to detract from the importance of securing the Southwest Border, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the ongoing threat of the nearly unguarded Northern border to the safety of the American public.”
For example, the border crossing at Angle Inlet, Minnesota is based on the honor system. There are no permanent customs or immigration officials here. Instead, the government asks people who cross over from Canada to report themselves over a videophone (see this and this).
“As far as I am aware, all recent threat assessments have pointed to the Northern Border as the most likely point of entry into our country for terrorists,” Judd said before reminding the committee of our recent history…
Read more from this story HERE.