Conservative Legend Slams GOP as ‘Party of Stupid’

Photo Credit: WNDBy Joe Kovacs.

A conservative legend responsible for the election of countless Republicans to office is now blasting today’s GOP as “the Party of Stupid” for letting left-leaning media outlets control presidential debates.

“If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result, welcome to the nut house of the establishment media-sponsored Republican presidential debates,” says Richard Viguerie in his brand-new book, “Takeover.”

“What would you call a political party that hands the power to set the agenda during its presidential primaries to its sworn enemies in the liberal media, then doubles down to give the power to set the agenda in the waning days of the general election to a self-perpetuating ‘commission’ of Washington, D.C., progressive insiders? Some people might call that the national Republican Party – I call it the Party of Stupid.”

Viguerie, whose mission in “Takeover” is for true conservatives to take back control of the GOP from moderate and even-left leaning Republicans, says the way the national media outlets such as CNN or PBS handle debates puts Republicans at an immediate disadvantage.

“It isn’t by fabricating news or outright lying; it is by selecting questions that set the agenda on liberal terms and presuppose the outcome favored by liberals – or by editing out the conservative viewpoint or facts that tend to support the conservative viewpoint.

Read more from this story HERE.


Photo Credit: TownHall Conservatives, Losing One Battle Doesn’t Mean We Have Lost The War

By Kurt Schlichter.

I was furious that Thad Cochran slimed his way to victory, but every time we hardcore conservatives lose a battle, it seems a contingent of bitter-enders starts up about how the Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same, and how they’ll refuse to vote in the general, and how they’ll take their collective ball and go home.

That’s crazy talk. We can get even with the GOP establishment later; we need to beat the Democrats first.

Now, many of my good friends disagree with me here, but I respect them enough to say what I think. And I think that when we focus on the establishment’s antics in Mississippi instead of focusing on November, we make Barack Obama happier than if he got to play 18 holes with the ghost of Karl Marx.

Let us assume that Thad Cochran didn’t play fair. Now let me assume the role of your father:

Life is not fair.

Read more from this story HERE.