TYRANNY ALERT: Obama’s ATF Moves to Ban Common AR15 Ammunition
Photo Credit: Guns BuzzThe work of anti-gun zealots is never done. When outright bans fail to materialize, the conversation soon shifts to backdoor methods of gun control. Those who abhor an armed citizenry never ever give up; they just retreat, regroup and find another route of attack.
In recent years, that has been working to reduce the availability of ammunition. After all, what good is one of those oh-so-scary “military-style assault weapons” if one cannot fire them?
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has released a proposal to reclassify SS109/M855 5.56 NATO ammunition as “armor-piercing” and ban the import, sale or manufacture of the common rifle round used in AR15 rifles and pistols based on the AR15 platform.
The ATF claims that they can ban the M855 ammo under an obscure provision in the Gun Control Act of 1968 which deems that ammo can be marketed to civilians which is “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.”
However, the move is clearly an effort to reduce the availability of ammunition to AR15 owners and to drive-up the cost of shooting, a position the NRA-ILA holds in a new press release who said that the move was “clearly intended by the Obama Administration to suppress the acquisition, ownership and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles.” (Read more about the ban on AR15 Ammunition HERE)
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