Dr. Jackson: Liars Must be Defeated by Any Means Possible

On The Joe Miller Show several days ago, a former college Political Science teacher, columnist Lester Jackson, explained that our country is in crisis. Dr. Jackson said we’re nearing tyranny “if we’re not already there.” He cited a number of problems including the fact that we effectively have one political party. This is a critical issue as “democracy presupposes an opposition party.”

But Dr. Jackson’s recurrent theme was that “liars must be defeated by any means possible.” He noted that “lying” is a hallmark of modern politicians like Alaska’s Senator Lisa Murkowski. Dr. Jackson explained that one of the reasons these liars hate politicians like Senator Ted Cruz is because he forces them into votes that makes them go on the record on issues like amnesty. That creates problems in their efforts to lie to their constituents about their true views.

Dr. Jackson also noted that Senator Cruz has effectively called his colleagues corrupt, pointing out the influence of K Street on their voting.

As to how to defeat liars, Dr. Jackson admitted that you can’t get them all. But he believes conservatives have to use any lawful means at their disposal to get rid of such chameleons. He cited William F. Buckley, Jr. in suggesting that conservatives should even vote for a Democrat over a lying RINO as the damage that a junior Democrat can do is far less than a senior Republican.

When asked whether he is advocating for a third party, Dr. Jackson responded with a chuckle that we don’t even have a second party but went on to say that the GOP started as a third party and that such a movement is imperative today.


The Joe Miller Show broadcasts weekdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Alaska Time (6 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST), on 1080 AM and 95.1 FM, Anchorage. It is also carried via live streaming at JoeMiller.us. Podcasts from prior shows are found HERE. If you’d like to advertise on or sponsor The Joe Miller Show, please email [email protected]