Hillary Furious as Thousands Send Cigars to Her Offices With the Message: “Don’t Blow It”

233-chin_thrustHillary Clinton is reportedly furious and abashed as several thousand cigars were recently delivered to her office in protest of her announcement that she would run for President in 2016. Thanks to Send Clinton Cigars (https://sendclintoncigars.com), a service that allows you to anonymously purchase cigars and have them directly mailed to Clinton, tens of thousands of Americans are blatantly reminding her of her first stay in the White House. For those with short term memory loss, this was reportedly the sexual act of President Bill Clinton who used a cigar to pleasure White House intern Monica Lewinsky. “Send Clinton Cigars” site sports a not so subtle tagline of “Clinton / Lewinsky 2016 · Don’t Blow It!” beside a logo against smoking; cigars to be assumed.

The Send Clinton Cigars site offers several cigar gifts that may be purchased and mailed to Presidential Candidate Clinton, and mentions that their proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, [an organization that] appears to be unrelated. . .(Read more from “Hillary Furious as Thousands Send Cigars to Her Offices With the Message: “Don’t Blow It” HERE)

From the cigar-selling website:

Although it would be easy to assume we’re representing the far right conservatives, Mainspring Charities is comprised of individuals from a multitude of social and political beliefs which includes both Liberals and Democrats. However, we unanimously believe that Hillary Clinton should not be elected President of the United States in 2016 based on her performance record in public office, in addition to her history of falsifying information, misdirection, and deception as well as her seemingly volatile emotional state as demonstrated throughout her many recent hearings.

A subsequent post from the website suggests that Wounded Warriors has declined to receive proceeds from the venture:

Send Cigars to Clinton is an offhanded, not so subtle, nod to Former President Bill Clinton’s tryst with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (story here) that allows you to purchase a cigar, or cigars, to be delivered to Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Headquarters as a not so gentle reminder of her first stay in the White House. If you’re tired of Hillary’s lies, cheating, and deceitful practices join us in telling her “No cigar in 2016!” by purchasing a cigar that will be delivered, with thousands of others, directly to her 2016 Campaign Headquarters!

Proceeds from the gifting of cigars at SendClintonCigars.com are donated to charities benefiting Veterans. Our originally intended charity has asked that we do not donate our proceeds to them; as such we are actively seeking new charities benefiting Veterans.

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