South Carolina Father Stunned by Fifth Grader’s Ridiculous Homework Assignment

Fort_BanksES_classroom_resizedA father was troubled by his son’s homework assignment.

“It blowed my mind,” Eric Robinson said of an assignment asking fifth graders to create a wanted poster for a Ku Klux Klan member.

Robinson said the homework was a social studies assignment that his son and others received Wednesday at Clinton Elementary School . . .

Students were asked to sketch the person, provide three reasons why they’re a “bad guy” and a “quote from a person living at the time showing what people might have said about this person,” along with a reward amount . . .

Laurens County School Superintendent David O’Shields said the assignment is a state requirement intended to teach students that the KKK was a criminal/terrorist organization that murdered people, participated in voter suppression and used violence to intimidate African Americans. (Read more from “South Carolina Father Stunned by Fifth Grader’s Ridiculous Homework Assignment” HERE)

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