Hillary: I’ll Go Further Than Obama in Granting Amnesty to Illegals [+video]
This isn’t the first time she’s said this. Back in May, in fact, she specified how much further than O she’d go. His mega-amnesty last year would legalize parents of children who are U.S. citizens; Hillary’s proposing to extend that to parents of children who are DREAMers, who are illegals themselves but were brought here as young children and spent most of their childhoods growing up in the United States. Obama’s amnesty, as bad as it is, requires some sort of anchor of American citizenship to trigger special status for mom and dad. Hillary, desperate to maximize turnout among Latino voters, will attempt to lower the bar further. And I do mean “attempt”: The reason Obama didn’t extend his own policy to DREAMers is because his lawyers told him his legal authority was too shaky. Then again, he’s been known to warm to legally dubious policies after the Clintons pronounce them a good idea so maybe he’ll reconsider. And if he does, Hillary will promise to go a step further than that, all in the name of countering high white turnout for Republicans with high Obama-esque turnout by minorities. (Read more from “Hillary: I’ll Go Further Than Obama in Granting Amnesty to Illegals” HERE)
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