Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
I used to be a feminist, but I gave it up so I could speak out for women’s rights. Even before the “intersectional”, “how many genders are there?” lunacy took over, feminism was filled to bursting with types who think men are misogynists who all secretly want to rape us (this despite the fact that men are among the greatest supporters of women’s rights) and a happily married mother is some kind of traitor.
The kind of people, in other words, who nobody in their right mind could possibly get along with.
While I will always speak out for women to maintain our just civil rights, I do want Sharia Watch to spend significantly more time on freedom of speech (we will run an autumn campaign ‘Islam Kills Free Speech’) and the impact of Islam on children, but before I do, I intend to spend the summer doing something very important – informing the ludicrous feminists of today of something they desperately need to know: Islam Kills Women.
Islam Kills Women is a joint effort between Sharia Watch UK and Examine-Islam.org It aims to do one thing and one thing only, show the world just why it is that women are treated so utterly appallingly in every Muslim society on earth.
As well as producing articles from various writers and information packs and videos, I will challenge every feminist organisation in Britain to debate me, so that they can attempt to prove me wrong. When they realise that they cannot do this, I invite them to stand alongside me at the culmination of this campaign – a protest rally to be held outside Parliament on August 20th. (Read more from “Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women” HERE)
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