Pro-Abort Students Bake Baby Cookies, Then Bite Heads Off

CgcyQcAW4AAbIyZFollowing the episode of Scandal that featured actress Kerry Washington’s character undergoing an abortion while the song “Silent Night” relayed over the soundtrack, the University of North Georgia’s “Skeptic Society” has now stepped up to take the prize for most heinous display of bad taste.

At a pro-abortion rally held by UNG’s “Skeptics Society,” students promoted abortion by baking cookies in the shape of babies and sperm, then proceeding to bite the heads off and cruelly give them to nearby protesters.

Protest of the rally was put on by UNG’s “Students For Life,” who peacefully and respectfully decked out the campus “free speech zone” with pro-life materials while simultaneously passing out flyers that simply asked “Abortion Should Remain Legal Because.” Though the students expected some hostility, nothing could prepare them for what the pro-aborts proceeded to do next. President of UNG Students for Life Carly McCurry said the following took place in a statement:

Students from the Skeptics Society baked baby and sperm cookies, so that students could kill the babies as they ate them.

The booths only activity was to hand out blank pieces of paper asking why people thought abortion should be legal. One person laughingly wrote “It is constitutionally protected” and broke off the baby cookie’s head in a seemingly amusing gesture. (Read more from “Pro-Abort Students Bake Baby Cookies, Then Bite Heads Off” HERE)

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