Right on Time: U.S. Navy Seizes HUGE Shipment of Iranian Weapons En Route to Terrorists
As one might expect, the fanatical Islamic regime of Iran is dedicated to advancing Shariah doctrine through violence. The Iranian government has been instrumental in providing material support for terrorist operations around the globe and as President Obama crusaded tirelessly to offer them economic relief to bolster their economy, the zealots in Tehran simultaneously pledged to continue to mount militant efforts against the West and Israel.
The Iranians might be fanatics but it seems that they are not liars. The U.S. Navy, in late March, seized a shipment of Iranian weapons that were en route to Yemen to likely aid in terrorist efforts.
On March 28th, the Navy encountered an Iranian ship carrying a massive shipment of weapons including AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades. The Pentagon revealed the discovery on Monday.
The shipment was the third such shipment discovered in recent weeks and the Pentagon believes the weapons were heading to Yemen to aid Houthi rebels in a war against a Saudi-led coalition that is backed by the United States. Then Houthi rebels, like Iran, are Shia.
For years, Obama worked behind the scenes to try and secure a deal with Iran that gave the despotic state sponsor of terrorism a hefty payday in exchange for meaningless promises. The U.S. was instrumental in lifting economic sanctions that had long hindered the regime, a move that infused Iran with roughly $150 billion. The U.S. also sweetened the pot with an additional $1.7 billion in taxpayer dollars for reparations when the U.S. did not follow-through on an agreement after Islamic revolutionaries took-over the government in the 1970s. State officials have claimed that they intend to pay more to Iran over the coming years. (Read more from “Right on Time: U.S. Navy Seizes HUGE Shipment of Iranian Weapons En Route to Terrorists” HERE)
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