Where’s the Media Outrage Over Hillary’s $12K Armani Jacket?

There was no liberal outrage when news broke that Hillary Clinton wore a $12,000 Giorgio Armani spring tweed jacket during her New York Primary victory speech in April. Clinton even dared to stress inequality in her speech – was not her own conscience screaming?

But where is the liberal media now?

You may recall during the 2012 presidential election the liberal media’s obsession with casting Mitt Romney as a rich, out of touch patrician, indifferent towards the little guy.

When Mitt’s wife, Ann Romney, wore a designer blouse costing $990 to a campaign event they could not contain themselves.

A stunning example of such was an article for the Washington Post by Suzi Parker titled “Ann Romney’s $990 T-shirt is indicative of a tone-deaf campaign.”

“Does Ann Romney wear her $990 designer shirt while driving one of her two Cadillacs?” Parker began her rant.

“Ann’s pricey shirt will not help her husband change those perceptions, no matter how many Laundromat photo ops are on the campaign’s daily itinerary. Romney’s wardrobe choice could haunt the campaign indefinitely. If it were a solid color, the designer tee might have been forgotten after awhile. But the yellow bird print is unique enough to become emblematic of wealth that most Americans could only wish to have.”

Later Parker said that the Romneys should not be ashamed of their wealth, but suggested, “maybe it’s time to buy something off the rack at a lower-end store.”

Similar critiques of Hillary Clinton are impermissible, however. Rachel Lubitz, writing an op-ed for Time Magazine even labeled it “sexist” to call out Clinton for wearing the Armani jacket while lecturing on inequality.

That’s just high fashion hypocrisy. (For more from the author of “Where’s the Media Outrage Over Hillary’s $12K Armani Jacket?” please click HERE)

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