Trump Is Daring the Delegates to Act — They Should Accept the Dare
(Editor’s disclaimer: the editorial board of Restoring Liberty disagrees with the #NeverTrump approach, believing that it will only serve to elect Hillary Clinton) Now that Donald Trump’s black hole of presidential suckitude has led to the strange cocktail of anti-Semitism mixed with tunes from the “Frozen” soundtrack, not to mention the painting of Saddam Hussein as some sort of Davy Crockett, it is once again time to go over some #NeverTrump math.
Because when it comes to the possibility of a delegate uprising in Cleveland in less than two weeks, all signs point to ‘Make it so.’
The man in charge of Trump’s very own delegate-whipping team told the Wall Street Journal that the Republican immolation-in-chief, I mean prospective presidential nominee, is still almost 350 committed delegates short of securing a victory.
So let’s be clear to those who would like to paint the 2016 election cycle as some sort of fate accompli: Not only isn’t this close to being over, but the momentum in no uncertain terms favors the will and the wisdom of delegates who are free to vote their conscience.
Trump isn’t on the goal line about to punch the ball in. He isn’t even in the red zone with his offense humming along and looking like an inevitable force of nature. He’s at the 50-yard line at best, and the only reason he got that far is because the other side is nominating a hackneyed crime syndicate named Hillary Clinton.
She is laying in a pool of her own legal and ethical bile after the beat down FBI director James Comey took this week in front of the House Oversight Committee. Comey labeled Hillary as “unintentionally criminally negligent” (whatever the Sam Hill that means) and said she likely wasn’t “sophisticated” enough to recognize classified email markings. Because nothing says “forward” and “progress” like the get-off-my-lawn grandmother who just found out they have the inter-webs on computers now.
But Trump can’t close the sale on defeating such a disgrace when her dumb act is mellowed by his drunken Yosemite Sam routine.
Trump was even confronted in a recent interview with the rumor that he might not elect to serve as president if he ultimately won the election. His response, according to the New York Times, and mind you this is coming from a man who is down in almost all of the polls taken in the last two months:
“I’ll let you know how I feel about it after it happens.”
This is the asinine threshold at which the delegates stand. The delegates are being lectured about the supposed improprieties of voting their conscience, while Trump giggles through a question about whether this is all a big game to him or not.
They are being threatened with legal claims that they should face possible civil and criminal penalties if they choose to vote for a candidate other than Trump. Meanwhile, we learned that Hillary’s FBI testimony – during which she should have been asked about e-mails directing her staff to strip identifying markers on classified information and send it non-secure — was not taken under oath nor was it recorded.
Yet Trump, for reasons only Allah knows (and he obviously hates us) barely attempted to capitalize on her corruption, or the ineptness of the system that has let her slip through the cracks yet again. Spending far more time waxing poetic on Chuck Todd’s sleepy eyes, his disdain for mosquitoes, and the efficient virtues of Saddam Hussein’s authoritarianism.
Our allies in this barely surviving Republican form of government grow thin. This is why it is up to the delegates to take the paddles in their hands and shock our nation back to life.
Yes, it is understandable that crossing such a threshold is filled with some degree of uncertainty and trepidation about how the future will unfold and how honestly it will be reported. But none of that should delude the increasingly obvious fact of how clear the path actually is for the delegates to do what posterity demands.
According to the Wall Street Journal, there are already 20 members of the RNC Rules Committee willing to change the rules to unbound the delegates, and it only takes 28 to bring such a rule change to the floor for a vote of the entire delegation. So Trump requires 1,237 to secure the nomination yet his 890 supporters are surrounded by a ring of fire that includes 681 confessed anti-Trump delegates, and roughly 900 uncommitted delegates. Who are no doubt silently praying for anyone or anything to rescue us from the bizarre and horrid sweet meteor of death that is Trillary 2016.
When the undecideds are the largest contingent in a delegation that is less than two weeks away from making a decision about who should be President of the United States, then that delegation really isn’t undecided. No, it is empowered.
The delegates must not make this opportunity more complicated than it is. #NeverTrump is in fact the easiest call to political arms in modern history. The numbers reflect that. It is simply time for the delegates to seize the day and trust, as so many heroes of mankind have done before them, that there is never a wrong time to do the right thing. (For more from the author of “Trump Is Daring the Delegates to Act — They Should Accept the Dare” please click HERE)
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