Massive Cover-Up by MSM: Hillary Falls up Stairs, Suffers Double Vision, Coughing Fits, Confusion, Possible Seizures, More

In this heated presidential race where being “fit” and “stable” have become terms in the arsenal of both campaigns, startling photographs emerged Sunday showing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton apparently getting help in climbing up some stairs. . .

Editor’s note: Drudge featured a collage of these images prominently on Sunday, re-igniting the controversy among conservative sites:

thumbnail_Drudge Pic

Mrs. Clinton has a history of falling. After fainting and falling in 2013 while U.S. secretary of state, she was treated for a blood clot in a vein in her head at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital. . . In 2009, she fell on her way to the White House and broke her elbow.

Last month, the American Mirror reported a coughing fit that broke out as someone else was speaking during an appearance. . . She had a huge coughing fit during a speech in New York City.

Then, in a visit to Las Vegas, she wore thick, black glasses fitted with Fresnel prisms. . .Dr. Todd Lasner, a neurosurgeon at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami [said,] “Fresnel prisms are typically used to correct double vision, to refract light through the prism so you can see a single image as you are normally used to seeing. My first suspicion would be the Fresnel prisms were prescribed for Hillary Clinton because of nerve damage causing double vision resulting from a trauma to her head, possibly from the fall causing the concussion.” (Read more from “Massive Cover-Up by MSM: Hillary Falls up Stairs, Suffers Double Vision, Coughing Fits, Confusion, Possible Seizures, More” HERE)

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