Psycho Judge Resigns After Viciously Berating Sick Woman Begging for Help Who Died Three Days Later

By Bizpac Review. A Florida circuit court judge’s roughly 30-year-long career deservedly crashed and burned this week after courtroom footage surfaced that shows her mercilessly and unnecessarily berating a disabled defendant. And not just any disabled defendant, but one who died three days later.

Recorded last Sunday, the footage shows former Broward County Circuit Judge Merrillee Ehrlich, a Democrat, spouting an endless stream of bilge at Sandra Faye Twiggs, 59, a wheel-chair-bound woman who suffered from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Why all the venom? Because Twiggs needed help, according to the Miami Herald, but every time she tried to speak, Ehrlich shut her down.

The paper notes that Twiggs wound up in jail after she got into a domestic dispute with her daughter. During her incarceration, Twiggs reportedly had difficulty obtaining her medications.

When she tried to inform Ehrlich of this problem during her court appearance, the judge snapped at her, saying, “Ma’am, I am not here to talk to you about your breathing treatments!” (Read more from “Psycho Judge Resigns After Viciously Berating Sick Woman Begging for Help Who Died Three Days Later” HERE)


Watch This Judge Brutally Berate a Woman in a Wheelchair. The Woman Died. The Judge Has Quit.

By The Miami Herald. A Broward County circuit judge delivered a blistering, arm-waving, face-palming, tongue-lashing to a frail, out-of-breath woman — pushed into court in a wheelchair — who was facing misdemeanor charges following a family feud.

Three days later, the defendant died.

Judge Merrillee Ehrlich has resigned, although it is unclear when that resignation was provided and when it becomes effective . . .

“It is not appropriate for anyone to endure that kind of treatment,” said Finkelstein’s chief assistant, Gordon Weekes. “All that was required was a bit of patience, and a bit of respect to allow this lady to speak, to gather herself and to breathe.” . . .

Twiggs suffered from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also called COPD. She ended up under arrest after squabbling with her 19-year-old daughter. (Read more from “Watch This Judge Brutally Berate a Woman in a Wheelchair. The Woman Died. The Judge Has Quit.” HERE)

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