Activists Launch Attacks on Trump, NRA. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them.
On Friday, far-left activists from Parkland, Florida launched vicious and absurd attacks on President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association (NRA) in response to the tragic shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas.
The shooting was committed by a 17-year-old male who used a shotgun and a revolver to kill ten people. Law enforcement officials also found pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs in the high school and the surrounding area.
As students were dying, far-left Parkland activists politicized the shooting in a series of ridiculous tweets which were quickly smacked down by their conservative classmate, Kyle Kashuv. . .
Our children are being MURDERED and you’re treating this like a game. This is the 22nd school shooting just this year. DO SOMETHING.
— Jaclyn Corin (@JaclynCorin) May 18, 2018
1) there hasn't been 22, do research before making stupid statements.
2) remember how adults don't know how to do anything and you were going to be the hero to finally "DO SOMETHING"?
3) he did and continues to push for school safety. What about you?
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) May 18, 2018
Get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a shit when in reality they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 18, 2018
Get ready for two weeks of people like David Hogg lying so they can push an agenda and calling everyone who doesn't agree with him a "child murderer" despite their proposals having no utility or impact on the event at hand.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) May 18, 2018
It’s not about the availability of guns that’s the factor, it’s about who is behind the trigger. If availability of guns is the major factor in gun violence, then Indiana (low restrictions) would be like Chicago (high restrictions)
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) May 18, 2018
(Read more from “Parkland Activists Launch Attacks on Trump, Nra. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them.” HERE)
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