Judge: ‘Unlawful’ Destruction of Ballots in Race Wasserman Schultz Won
. . .[Debbie]Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, may be beloved by family members, but that’s pretty much it. Rank-and-file Democrats detest her for her god-awful handling of the Democratic National Committee’s top role — a position she was forced to resign from after email hacks and numerous scandals. The party’s left fringe believes Wasserman Schultz and her retinue have engaged in pretty sketchy behavior to keep them down.
Now, I know that supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders do indulge in some tinfoil haberdashery from time to time. However, this conspiracy claim appears to have some legitimacy.
See, Florida has some fairly strict “sunshine” laws when it comes to public transparency, and this spills over to elections. So, when Wasserman Schultz faced a difficult primary challenge in 2016 and won with 58 percent of the vote, it was well within the rights of challenger Tim Canova to request a recount of the ballots.
We just won our lawsuit on summary judgment. Court ruled that Broward Supervisor of Elections illegally destroyed all paper ballots in our primary against @DWStweets. We are walking the walk on election Integrity & need your help now, small donations at https://t.co/93JqKJImOr pic.twitter.com/lgfLDpiMoo
— Tim Canova (@Tim_Canova) May 14, 2018
The only problem is that after much stalling, it turns out the ballots had been destroyed. As in, very illegally.
The saga has wound its way through the court system, but a judge ruled Friday that the “elections supervisor in Florida’s second-most populous county broke state and federal law by unlawfully destroying ballots cast in Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s 2016 Democratic primary … in a case brought by the congresswoman’s challenger who wanted to check for voting irregularities,” according to Politico. (Read more from “Judge: ‘Unlawful’ Destruction of Ballots in Race Wasserman Schultz Won” HERE)
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