FDA Bans Sales of Flavored E-Cigarettes at Convenience Stores
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, concerned about the rising tide of nicotine use among teenagers, announced on Thursday that it will ban flavored tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, from being sold at convenience stores.
Tobacco, mint and menthol e-cigarette flavors will not be affected; but the sweet-flavored tobacco products will be limited to age-restricted stores or over the internet from sellers using age-verification checks.
As Yahoo News reports, menthol cigarettes are reputedly in the cross-hairs of the FDA, which is rumored to be considering banning them. . .
Yahoo noted, “One of the most popular devices, made by San Francisco-based Juul Labs Inc, has become a phenomenon at U.S. high schools, where ‘Juuling’ has become synonymous with vaping.”
To buttress the idea that e-cigarettes should be limited, the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday that among high school students who reported using e-cigarettes in the last 30 days, 2018 found a 78% increase from 2017. They added that over three million high school students and 570,000 middle school students used e-cigarettes. (Read more from “FDA Bans Sales of Flavored E-Cigarettes at Convenience Stores” HERE)
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