Alleged Election Fraud May Leave One Congressional Seat Empty When the New Congress Is Sworn In
As the new Congress gets ready to take descend upon Washington, D.C. later this week, it is appearing likely that North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District will not have a representative. Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Democrats refuse to seat Republican Mark Harris come Jan. 3. . .
From Fox News:
The state elections board has refused to certify the race between Harris and Democrat Dan McCready while it investigates absentee ballot irregularities in the congressional district stretching from the Charlotte area through several counties to the east.
Harris holds a slim lead in unofficial results, but officials are looking into criminal voter fraud allegations against an operative hired by the Harris campaign.
The accusations highlight the wildly varying state laws governing ballot harvesting, which refers to the practice of someone other than a voter dropping off that voter’s ballot at a polling station. In North Carolina, state law still prohibits anyone other than a voter or a close family member from mailing in or dropping off that voter’s ballot.
(Read more from “Alleged Election Fraud May Leave One Congressional Seat Empty When the New Congress Is Sworn In” HERE)
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