Rabid Feminists Are Gleefully Writing About Aborting Baby Boys

While the majority of the country supports limits on abortion, especially after the first three months of pregnancy, the leftist feminist movement has successfully pushed abortion policy to infanticide. Further, there’s been an active assault on men and so-called “toxic masculinity.”

During a discussion on the popular website Reddit, users who state they are rabid feminists were found gleefully discussing the abortion of baby boys…simply because they are boys. . .

“I have aborted the baby once I found it was a boy. I’m a staunch and unapologetic radfem. I have never regretted my decision. What I know for sure is had I kept it I wouldn’t have loved it like I’d love a daughter,” another said.

Sex-selective abortion is not illegal in most of the United States. Only eight states ban it by law. Usually, sex-selective abortion is used against girls.

(Read more from “Rabid Feminists Are Gleefully Writing About Aborting Baby Boys” HERE)

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