House Judiciary Report BOMBSHELL: Dems Trying to Change the Constitution
The jig is up. The Democrats have now actually admitted—in writing—that their sad little attempt at impeachment is entirely baseless. The House Judiciary Committee Report was released Saturday and admitted two very critical points:
First, the Democrats are trying to change the standard of impeachment. They are literally changing the rules to fit their theatrical story. Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler wrote in the preface that the previous reports on grounds for impeachable offenses in the Nixon and Clinton eras “remain useful points of reference, but no longer reflect the best available learning on questioning relating to presidential impeachment.”
Why, Jerry? Because you have no evidence for legitimate grounds of impeachment? This only proves that President Trump indeed does not belong in the ranks of Nixon and Clinton, where there was actually evidence of impeachable offenses.
Second, the Democrats are proceeding with impeachment against President Trump not because of any past wrongdoing which they have no proof of, but to “save the Nation” from Trump remaining in office. That is not a constitutionally permissible reason to impeach. That’s why we have elections. The American people get to decide who remains in office, absent clear evidence of impeachable offenses actually committed. We don’t impeach or convict based on a vague fear for democracy from the opposition party. (Read more from “House Judiciary Report BOMBSHELL: Dems Trying to Change the Constitution” HERE)
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