New York Doctor: ‘I Do’ Think an End to Coronavirus Crisis Is ‘in Sight’
By Daily Caller. New York doctor and Fox News contributor Janette Nesheiwat said that the ongoing coronavirus crisis could be about to peak.
Taking a brief break from treating New York City hospital patients on Tuesday to speak to Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer on “Bill Hemmer Reports,” Nesheiwat said this has been her “busiest week of coronavirus patients” yet. . .
“Do you see an end in sight?” Hemmer asked.
“I do, I absolutely do,” she responded. “I feel we are at the point where we’re getting all the resources and the support that we need whether it’s supplies, whether it’s staff, whether it’s the space to have to put patients. We got that ship. When I saw that ship pull up, I got chilled and I got teary-eyed because I felt that we are now getting all the tools that we need to help take care of our patients.” (Read more from “New York Doctor: ‘I Do’ Think an End to Coronavirus Crisis Is ‘in Sight’” HERE)
New York, ‘Still in Search of the Apex,’ Sees Another Spike in Coronavirus Cases
By NPR. New York, the epicenter of the coronavirus’ spread in the U.S., has reported yet another sizable leap in confirmed cases. With more than 9,200 new cases, the state’s grand total is more than 75,000 as of midday Tuesday.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is warning that the rise in the number of New York’s confirmed cases is only going to get steeper as testing increases and more time passes.
“We’re all in search of the apex and the other side of the mountain,” he told a news conference Tuesday.
“That’s where the main battle is going to be, the apex of the curve,” he added, referring to graphs projecting the number of COVID-19 cases over time. The top of the curve, in other words, reflects the moment at which the volume of cases reaches its peak. “And then we come down the other side of the mountain. We are planning now for the battle at the top of the mountain.”
New York has reported nearly five times as many confirmed cases of the coronavirus as any other state — a gap that may grow larger as the state ramps up testing. Of the more than 18,000 tests undertaken there since Monday, Cuomo said that roughly half returned a coronavirus diagnosis. (Read more from “New York, ‘Still in Search of the Apex,’ Sees Another Spike in Coronavirus Cases” HERE)
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